Identitas Diri

Name | Prof. Dr. Setia Budi, M.Sc. | | |
Office | Jalan Rawamangun Muka, Kampus A UNJ, Gd. KH. Hasjiem Asj’arie Lt. 5 |
2013 – 2017 Dr in Materials Science, Universitas Indonesia (UI)
2016 Sandwich Program, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST)
2007 – 2010 M.Sc in Material Science, the National University of Malaysia (UKM) 1999 – 2003 S.Si in Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ)
2007 – present Himpunan Kimia Indonesia (HKI) – The professional association for Indonesian chemists.
2017 – present Indonesian Materials Research Society (MRS-INA)
Electrochemical deposition of nanostructured films for magnetic and catalyst materials, and bio-applications.
2021 | Electrodeposition of gold nanoparticle and its application as an antioxidant agent |
2019 – 2021 | Elektrodeposisi Nanokomposit Polianilin/FeCoNi sebagai Lapisan Penyerap Gelombang Mikro |
2019 – 2020 | Elektrodeposisi Nanostruktur Cu2O sebagai Katalis dalam Proses Elektrooksidasi Alkohol |
2017 – 2019 | Sintesis Nanostruktur Paduan FeCoNi untuk Aplikasi Penyimpan Data Magnetik |
2019 | Sintesis Nanostruktur AgPt sebagai Fotokatalisis dalam Penguraian Zat Warna Sintetik Methyl Orange |
2016 | Elektropolimerisasi Nanostruktur Polianilin sebagai Thin Film untuk Aplikasi Microwave Absorber |
2015 – 2016 | Pengembangan Metode Sintesis Bahan Magnet Nanopartikel Sistem Fe, Co, Ni dengan Teknik Deposisi Elektrokimia |
2014 – 2016 | Green Sintesis dan Aplikasi Nanoscale Zero Valent Iron (Nzvi) sebagai Adsorben Logam Berat dalam Air |
- Umar M.I.A., Budi S., Nurdin M., Umar A.A. Synthesis of standing ZnO nanosheets and impact of Ag nanoparticles loading on its optical property. 2022, Bulletin of Materials Science, vol: 45, issue : 1
- Budi, S., Adi, W.A., Yusmaniar, …Basori, I., Umar, A.A. Structural Analysis of Nanocrystalline Cu2O Prepared by Electrodeposition at Different Temperatures, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2022, 17, 22033
- Budi, S., Afrizal, Muhab, S.,.Purwanto, A., Paristiowati, M. Time-Dependent Composition of The Electrodeposited Nanocrystalline Fe-Co-Ni Films. Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 2021, 56(4), pp. 827–833
- Eka Putri, A., Roza, L., Budi, S., Ali Umar, A., Fauzia, V. Tuning the photocatalytic activity of nanocomposite ZnO nanorods by shape-controlling the bimetallic AuAg nanoparticles. Applied Surface Science, 2021, 536, 147847
- Yusmaniar, Erdawati, Sosiati H., Budi S., Alaydrus M., Handoko E. Microwave absorbing characteristics of Fe3O4@SiO2core-shell polyaniline-based composites. (2021) Materials Research Express, 8 (4), art. no. 046101
- Handoko, E., Budi, S., Sugihartono, I., …Aulia, T.B., Alaydrus, M. Microwave Absorbing Properties of Teflon Coating for X-Band Frequencies. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2021, 2320, 030002
- Budi, S., Dhanasmoro, L., Suliasih, B.A., …Purwanto, A., Muhab, S. Electrodeposition of nanobranched AgPt for methylene blue photodegradation. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2021, 2331, 040005
- Handoko E., Sugihartono I., Marpaung M.A., Budi S., Fahdiran R., Jalil Z., Alaydrus M. Structural, magnetic and microwave absorption properties of natural iron sand. (2021) Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1869 (1), art. no. 012182
- Handoko E., Sugihartono I., Marpaung M.A., Budi S., Fahdiran R., Randa M., Jalil Z., Alaydrus M. Complex permeability, permittivity and microwave absorption properties of barium hexaferrite synthesized from natural iron sand. (2021) Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1869 (1), art. no. 012183
- Suliasih, B.A., Tawwabin, R.A., Budi, S. Electroanalytical evaluation of antioxidant activity in monofloral honeys. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1869(1), 012051
- Budi, S., Indrawati, D., Arum, M., Yusmaniar. Electrodeposition and photoelectrochemical response of Zn-doped Cu2O. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2021, 2342, 060006
- Budi, S., Dhanasmoro, L., Purwanto, A., Muhab, S. Time-dependent growth of the dendritic silver prepared using square wave voltammetry technique for methylene blue photodegradation. Polish Journal of Chemical Technology, 2021, 23(2), pp. 60– 65
- Razak, S., Fauzia, V., Budi, S., Khotib, M. Synthesis of Pt mesoflowers as electrocatalysts for water splitting. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2021, 2374, 020011
- Budi, S., Manaf, A. The effects of saccharin on the electrodeposition of NiCoFe films on a flexible substrate. Materials Research Express, 2021, 8(8), 086513
- Budi, S., Suliasih, B.A., Tawwabin, R.A. Comparative evaluation of antioxidant activity in honey. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2021, 2370, 060001
- Budi, S., Tawwabin, R.A., Cahyana, U., Afriza,, Paristiowati, M. Saccharin-assisted galvanostatic electrodeposition of nanocrystalline FeCo films on a flexible substrate. International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2020, 15, pp. 6682-6694
- Setia Budi, B. Asih Suliasih, Indah Rahmawatia, Erdawati. Size-controlled chitosan nanoparticles prepared using ionotropic gelation. ScienceAsia 46 (2020): 457-461
- Erfan Handoko, Setia Budi, Iwan Sugihartono, Mangasi Alion Marpaung, Zulkarnain Jalil, Ahmad Taufiq, Mudrik Alaydrus. Microwave absorption performance of barium hexaferrite multi-nanolayers. Materials Express. 2020, 10 (8), 1328-1336
- Budi, S., Putri, A.S., Mahmud, A., …Cahyana, U., Purwanto, A. Electrodepolymerisation of polyaniline film for use as an electrode in FeNi alloy electrodeposition
- Setia Budi, Yusmaniar, Febri Rahmadi, Maryanti, Sukro Muhab. The high capacitance and surface area of a polyaniline/polypyrrole composite. Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy 55, (2020) 28-33
- Setia Budi, Arum Ayuningsih, Citra Pratiwi, Maria Paristiowati, Riser Fadiran, Iwan Sugihartono. Electropolymerization of Polyaniline Film as a Conductive Layer for the Electrodeposition of NiCo Alloy. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020, 1428
- Akhirudin, I., Budi, S., . Electrodeposition of Zn-doped Cu2O for the Photodegradation of Methylene Blue. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020, 1428(1), 012064
- Fahdiran, R., Sugihartono, I., Handoko, E., Budi, S., Urbassek, H.M. Cluster Evolution from Ultrafast Laser Irradiation of Gold Nanoparticle: A Molecular Dynamics Study. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020, 1428(1), 012004
- Sugihartono, I., Budi, S., Fahdiran, R., Handoko, E. The effect of Al Element on Electrochemical Impedance of ZnO Thin Films. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020, 1428(1), 012033
- Budi, S., Deswara, R.D., Mahmud, A., …Sugihartono, I., Fahdiran, R. Specific capacitance and impedance of electrodeposited polyaniline, polypyrrole and polyaniline/polypyrrole composite films Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019, 1402(6), 066015
- Rahman I.N., Kurniawan B., Kurniawan B., Budi S. Effect of Sintering Temperature and Cu Substitution on the Structure of La0.7Ba0.291Ca0.009Mn1-xCuxO3 (x = 0 and 0.10) Manganite. 2019. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | vol: 546. Issue: 4
- Lintang Dhanasmoro, Setia Budi. Surfactant-free electrodeposition of Ag dendrites as photocatalyst for methylene blue degradation. IOP Conf. Series: Material cience and Engineering 686 (2019) 1-6
- Setia Budi, Sukro Muhab, Agung Purwanto, Budhy Kurniawan, Azwar Manaf. Effect of the electrodeposition potential on the magnetic properties of FeCoNi films. Journal of Materials Science-Poland 37 (2019) 289-394
- Setia Budi, Yusmaniar, Increase Afida, Y.D. Anugerah, A. Mahmud. Green preparation of nanoscale zero-valent iron using clove extracts as adsorbent for lead removal. Journal of Physics. 1153 (2019) 012016
- M. Diantoro, Solehudin, A Hidayat, Z.A. Imam Supardi, Setia Budi. Electron Diffusion Model Based on I-V Data Fitting as the Calculation Method for DSSC Internal Parameters. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 434 (2019) 012099
- E Handoko, I Sugihartono, S Budi, M Randa, Z Jalil, M Alaydrus. The effect of thickness on microwave absorbing properties of barium ferrite powder. Journal of Physics 1080 (2018)
- Erfan Handoko, Iwan Sugihartono, Setia Budi, Anggara Budi Susila, Mangasi Alion Marpaung, Maulana Randa, Zulkarnain Jalil, Candra Kurniawan, Nofrijon Sofyan, Mudrik Alaydrus. Magnetic and microwave absorbing properties of BaFe12- 2xCoxZnxO19 (x= 0.0; 0.2; 0.4; 0.6) nanocrystalline. Materials Research Express 5 (2018) 1-9.
- S Budi, A Juliana, U Cahyana, A Purwanto, A Imaduddin, E Handoko. Preparation of high surface area and high conductivity polyaniline nanoparticles using chemical oxidation polymerization technique. Journal of Physics 983 (2018) 1-7.
- Riser Fahdiran, Erfan Handoko, Iwan Sugihartono, Anggara Budi Susila, Esmar Budi, Setia Budi. Structural change of aluminum thin film in the temperature range from 300 K to 1000 K. MATEC Web of Conferences 197 (2018) 1-3
- N.A. Putri, Vivi Fauzia, S. Iwan, L. Roza, A. A. Umar, Setia Budi. Mn-doping-induced photocatalytic activity enhancement of ZnO nanorods prepared on glass substrates. Applied Surface Science 439 (2018) 285-297.
- Setia Budi, Budhy Kurniawan, Derrick M. Mott, Shinya Maenosono, Akrajas Ali Umar, Azwar Manaf. Comparative trial of saccharin added electrolyte for improving structure of an electrodeposited magnetic FeCoNi thin film. Thin Solid Films. 642 (2017) 51-57.
- Setia Budi, E. Fitri, M. Paristiowati, U. Cahyana, E. Pusparini, H. Nasbey, A. Imaddudin. Surface Area and Conductivity of Polyaniline Synthesized Under UV Irradiation. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 172 (2017) 012049.
- Setia Budi, B. Asih Suliasih, M. S. Othman, Lee Yook Heng, Salmijah Surif. Toxicity Identification Evaluation of Landfill Leachate Using Fish, Prawn and Seed Plant. Waste Management. 55 (2016) 231-237.
- Setia Budi, Masayu Elita Hafizah, azwar Manaf. Synthesis of FeCoNi nanoparticles by galvanostatic technique. AIP Conf. Proceedings 1746 (2016)
- Setia Budi, A.R. Daud, S. Radiman, Akrajas Ali Umar. Effective electrodeposition of Co-Ni-Cu alloys nanoparticles in the presence of alkyl polyglucoside surfactant. Applied Surface. Science. 257 (2010) 1027-1033.
- I. Hanafi, A. R. Daud,S Radiman,M. H. A. Ghani, Setia Budi. Surfactant assisted electrodeposition of nanostructured CoNiCu alloys. Journal of Physics 431 (2013) 1- 6
- Abdul Razak Daud, Setia Budi, Shahidan Radiman. 2009. Effects of Glucopone 215 CSUP concentration on Co-Ni-Cu nanoparticles prepared using electrodeposition technique. Sains Malaysiana. 40 (9) (2011) 1019-1022
- Setia Budi, Sukro Muhab, A.R. Daud, S Radiman. AFM, GIXRD and EDX studies of nanostructured CoNiCu film fabricated by surfactant assisted electrodeposition. International Concerence of The Indonesian Chemical Society 2013.
- Setia Budi, Abdul Razak Daud & Shahidan Radiman. 2010. Effect of codeposition potential on surface roughness and chemicals composition of surfactant-mediated growth nanostructured Co-Ni-Cu electrodeposits. 3rd International Conference on Functional and Devices. Kuala Trengganu, pp. 22-23
- Setia Budi, Abdul Razak Daud & Shahidan Radiman. 2010. Magnetic properties of nanostructured Co-Ni-Cu thin film electrodeposited using alkyl polyglucoside surfactant. Regional Annual Fundamental Science Sympossium. Kuala Lumpur.
- A. R. Daud, Setia Budi & S. Radiman. 2009. Electrodeposition of nanostructured alloys of Co-Ni-Cu on ITO-glass substrate. Nanotech Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 161-163
- Abdul Razak Daud, Setia Budi & Shahidan Radiman. 2009. Kesan kepekatan Glucopone 215 CSUP terhadap nanozarah Co-Ni-Cu yang disediakan dengan kaedah elektropengendapan. Seminar Kimia UKM-ITB VIII, Bangi, pp. 72-77
- Setia Budi, Abdul Razak Daud & Shahidan Radiman. 2009. Electrodeposition of Co- Ni-Cu thin films from sulphate solution in the presence of Glucopone 215 CSUP. 4th International Conference on Recent Advance in Materials, Minerals & environment and 2nd Asian Symposium on Materials & Processing, Pulau Penang, pp. 1-7
- Setia Budi, Abdul Razak Daud & Shahidan Radiman. 2009. Electrodeposition of Co- Ni-Cu thin films in the presence of non-ionic surfactant. 4th Scientific Conference, Bangi, pp. 281-286
- Setia Budi, Agung Purwanto & Sukro Muhab. 2008. Impregnation of 2- mercaptobenzotiazol onto zeolit and its application in adsorption of Hg(II). 3th Scientific Conference, Bangi, pp. 105-111
- Setia Budi, Abdul Razak Daud & Shahidan Radiman. 2008. Influence of surfactant Glucopone 215 CSUP on Co-Ni-Cu electrodeposition. Kolokium siswazah kedelapan, Bangi, pp. 163-165