Persiapan Sebelum Praktikum/Bekerja di Laboratorium | Keselamatan Kerja di Laboratorium Kimia Ep 1

This video was carried out by Lintang Rizkyta Ananda, S.Pd as the final product of her thesis. The purpose of this video is to know and understand work safety in the laboratory, to avoid mistakes during practicum, and to minimize the possibility of accidents when carrying out basic chemistry practicum. The contents of this video include equipment that must be worn before entering the laboratory such as wear a laboratory coat, goggles, masks, gloves, closed shoes, and remove all of jewelries that can cause reactions during the practicum. In addition, this video also explains the rules that must be obeyed by each practitioner such as being on time, being responsible, following all instructions given, report all incidents to laboratory assistants/laboratory assistants/the lecturers and also not being allowed to eat and drink in the laboratory.

Mengenal Label Bahan Kimia | Keselamatan Kerja di Laboratorium Kimia Ep 2

This video was carried out by Lintang Rizkyta Ananda, S.Pd as the final product of her thesis. This video aims to recognize the danger of chemicals based on NFPA, which is a chemical label standard that can identify the risks of a chemical hazard so that it can function in determining special equipment that must be used, determining procedures that must be carried out, and prevention if a dangerous situation occurs. This video also shows an image of the NFPA along with an explanation of each symbol and color. In addition, the video also provides examples of hazardous chemicals according to NFPA.

Kesalahan Yang Sering Terjadi pada Saat Praktikum | Keselamatan Kerja di Laboratorium Kimia Ep 3

This video was carried out by Lintang Rizkyta Ananda, S.Pd as the final product of her thesis. The purpose of this video is to identify common mistakes that often occur in the laboratory, including when diluting concentrated of H2SO4 and use the flammable methanol. In the video, there is an explanation of the H2SO4 and methanol materials with the demonstration of the experiment so that it can be seen the procedures that must be carried out to avoid accidents.

Pertolongan Pertama Pada Kecelakaan (P3K) di Lab Kimia| Keselamatan Kerja di Laboratorium Kimia Ep 4

Stoikiometri (Bagian ke-1) | Kimia Dasar

Stoikiometri (Bagian ke-2) | Kimia Dasar

Stoikiometri (Bagian ke-3) | Kimia Dasar

Analisis Kurikulum Kimia

Model-Model Pembelajaran

Miskonsepsi dalam Pembelajaran Kimia

Motivasi Belajar Masa Pandemik

Penelitian Pendidikan di Masa Pandemik (COVID-19)

Praktikum Uji Daya Hantar Listrik (Larutan Elektrolit dan Non Elektrolit)

This video is made by Arifah Salsabila. In this video Arifah Salsabila do a experiment Electrical Conductivity Test (Electrolyte and Non-Electrolyte Solution) with a electrical conductivity tester (such as small lamp,battery,cabel, and nail) and the solution are used in this video such as salt solution, vinegar, sugar solution and isotonic drink


Definisi dan Jenis-Jenis Larutan Elektrolit dan Non Elektrolit

This video is made by Arifah Salsabila. previously Arifah Salsabila made a experiment about experiment Electrical Conductivity Test (Electrolyte and Non-Electrolyte Solution) and this video is about the explaination about the experiment and the Definition and Types of Electrolyte and Non-Electrolyte Solutions

Derajat Ionisasi dan Manfaat Larutan Elektrolit

This video is made by Arifah Salsabila. In this video Arifah Salsabila gave a explaination about Degree of Ionization and Benefits of Electrolyte Solutions

CHEM-AS: Sifat Keperiodikan Unsur

This video is made by Arifah Salsabila. In this video Arifah Salsabila gave a explaination about Periodic Properties of the Elements. In this video is about periodicity in periodic table, and explenation about what affects the atoms in the periodic table such as metals and non-metals, electron affinity, atomic radius and electronegativity

CHEM-AS: Cara Mudah Menghafal Tabel Periodik

This video is made by Arifah Salsabila. In this video Arifah Salsabila gave a explaination about The Easy Ways to Memorize the Periodic Table

CHEM-AS: Sejarah Sistem Periodik Unsur

This video is made by Arifah Salsabila. In this video Arifah Salsabila gave a explaination about History of the Periodic System of the Elements. In this video there is theory about the priodic table, like Dobreiner Theory and explaination about the theory, Oktaf Newland

CHEM-AS: Bilangan Kuantum

This video is made by Arifah Salsabila. In this video Arifah Salsabila gave a explaination about Chemical Quantum Numbers. In this video is explain about Principal quantum number, azimuth quantum number, magnetic quantum number, spin quantum number.