MBKM socialization for Physics Students Class of 2020

Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ) as one of the universities with the Excellent predicate is expected to be able to produce graduates who are able to compete at the global level. The competencies of graduates to be achieved include (1) mastering and being able to apply science and technology, and work professionally; (2) understand well the processes that exist in an industry or institution, skilled in carrying out their work; and (3) able to analyze and find solutions to problems faced by the industry or institution where they work. UNJ is one of the universities that carry out Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) activities. MBKM is a policy of the Minister of Education and Culture that aims to encourage students to master various sciences that are useful for entering the world of work. Kampus Merdeka provides opportunities for students to explore their abilities through the selection of courses they want. One of the MBKM policies facilitates the right to study three semesters outside the study program.  There are 8 forms of learning activities on independent campuses including student exchanges, internships /work practices,  teaching assistance in  educational units, research / research,  humanitarian projects,  entrepreneurial activities,  independent studies/projects, and  building thematic villages/real work lectures  . To provide students with insight into MBKM activities, socialization of the MBKM program was held in the Physics Study Program on January 9 2023. This event explained the procedures for MBKM activities, stages and requirements for students. Through this event, it is hoped that students can better prepare themselves to take part in the MBKM program in the even semester of FY 2022/2023. Video recordings of the discussion forum can be accessed through video  .

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