International Accreditation Visitation of The Physics and Mathematics Study Program at FMIPA UNJ with ASIIN

On October 12-13, 2023, an International Accreditation Visitation was conducted by the Accreditation Agency for Degree Programs in Engineering, Informatics, the Natural Sciences, and Mathematics (ASIIN) for the Mathematics and Physics study programs at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ). This visitation was carried out both physically in the Syafei Meeting Room, 8th floor, and virtually via Zoom.

ASIIN is an accreditation institution based in Germany that focuses on engineering, informatics, and natural sciences. ASIIN is responsible for evaluating and accrediting study programs in various universities and educational institutions worldwide.

The visitation was attended by the UNJ Rector, Vice-Rectors, Deans, and UNJ Institution Heads, Program Study, Laboratory Heads, and Faculty members in the Physics and Mathematics study program. Additionally, several expert panelists were present, including:

  1. Dr. Andrea Kern from ASIIN Germany.
  2. Prof. Hans-Georg Weigand from the University of Würzburg Germany.
  3. Prof. Andreas Müller from the University of Geneva Switzerland.
  4. Alexandra Dreiseidler from Emil-Fischer High School in Euskirchen Germany.
  5. Dr. Rer. Nat. Roniyus Marjunus from Lampung State University (UNILA).
  6. Prof. Hilda Assiyatun from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB).
  7. Andre Saputra from Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS).

The ASIIN visitation process for these study programs involved an extremely detailed evaluation of various aspects, including curriculum, teaching methods, teaching resources, faculty qualifications, research, laboratory facilities, and student quality and achievements.

The Physics cluster possesses several laboratories, including the Basic Physics Laboratory, Modern Physics Laboratory, Electronics Laboratory, Materials Physics Laboratory, Computer Laboratory, and Physics Learning Media Laboratory. The visitation of the physics cluster laboratories was attended by the Laboratory Heads, laboratory staff, and expert panelists. This evaluation encompassed various aspects such as facilities, equipment, safety standards, experimental methods, research quality, and laboratory staff qualifications.

During the discussions between the expert panelists and UNJ, key topics included UNJ’s potential as an Excellent University in competition with other universities in Jakarta. UNJ is distinguished as an educational institution with a rich history, efforts to enhance the international study experience for both faculty and students, and continuous improvements in laboratory facilities at FMIPA. UNJ’s success in sports, vocational education, and arts also received attention.

According to Prof. Komarudin, the Rector of UNJ, international accreditation can provide benefits in the form of recognition from society, subsequently increasing global interest in UNJ. Prof. Komarudin also emphasized the importance of enhancing research, teaching, and faculty quality to make UNJ a World-Class University.

At the conclusion of the discussion, three aspects received high appreciation from the expert panelists regarding UNJ: the Center of Excellence, Labschool, and Business Incubator, which were deemed to make positive contributions to society. Prof. Komarudin expressed gratitude to the expert panelists for their discussion and impressions conveyed to UNJ.

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