Laboratory Assistant Training – Semester 119

One of the learning achievements of graduates that the FMIPA Universitas Negeri Jakarta – Physics Studies Program wants to is to be able to conduct experiments by applying basic principles of physical measurement and standard scientific methodology. Therefore, the curriculum of the Physics Studies Programme is charged with practical courses conducted in the Laboratory. The practical course is a compulsory course that should be taken by every student of the physics studies Programme. The practicum course aims to give the student a practical experience in conducting experiments and measuring theoretically studied physical phenomena. Students also have the opportunity to learn how to perform accurate measurements, design experiments, and analyze data systematically.

In conducting practical courses in the laboratory, the lecturer is assisted by laboratory assistants. Laboratory Assistant (Aslab) is a student of the Physics Studies Programme who is tasked with assisting in the implementation of practicums in the laboratory. Any Physics student can become a practicum course laboratory assistant as long as they have met the specified requirements. The primary condition to be met is that the student concerned has passed the internship course. The next requirement is that Aslab candidates are obliged to attend Aslab training organized by the Physics Studies Program. This aslab training is intended to provide supplies to Aslab’s candidates to be more skilled in operating laboratory tools as well as socialize the duties, rights, and obligations of being a Laboratory Assistant. Laboratory Assistant Training in Physics Studies Program 119 semester TA 2023/2024 was held on Friday, September 22, 2023 from 08.00-16.00 WIB. The training was divided into three parallel activities, namely Basic Physics Practicum Training 1, Basic Practicum Modern Physics Training, and Basic Electronics Practical Training. The activities were followed by 130 candidate laboratory assistants, and each candidate assistant was allowed to choose only one activity. Activity instructors consist of a team of lecturers of study programmes accommodating internship and laboratory courses. Through this training, all Aslab candidates are expected to have the same perception more understandable and more skilled using practicum tools as well as have similar perceptions about the methods of practicum implementation in the Laboratory.


Laboratory Assistant Training – Semester 119

Basic Physics Practicum I:

Electronics Practicum:

Modern Physics Practicum:

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