Kemala Smart: Digitalization and Improvement of the Quality of Health Services in Posyandu Kemala Bhayangkari-Ciracas

Commitment to the community services (PkM) is a routine activity that is carried out every year by the academic staff of Physics, Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ). This activity is a form of implementation of the Tri Dharma at the same time a real presence in empowerment of the community in the built territory. One of collaboration from Physics Department is Kelurahan Ciracas, East Jakarta.

Since the beginning of 2022, the Physics lecturers team has been committed to being a partner of Kelurahan Ciracas, East Jakarta in carrying out community service activities. Posyandu Kemala Bhayangkari is the location designated by the authorities as the venue of PkM activities with the title: Development of Smart Sensing Facilities Based on IoT Technology to Improve the Quality of Posyandou Services. This activity was driven by Dr. Widyaningrum Indrasari, M.Si, Ir. Heri Firmansyah, M.T., Dewi Muliyati, M.Sc., as well as eight students from the Physics Studies Program, Universitas Negeri Jakarta. PkM activities are funded by the Research and Public Service Institute (LPPM) of UNJ through the Integrated Public Service Scheme of KKN (PkM-KKN).

In 2023 PkM-KKN activities in Posyandu Kemala Bhayangkari Ciracas will be carried out from October until December 2023. In this activity implemented Kemala Smart at the time of the weighting of the young. Kemala Smart is a device equipped with a variety of sensors to measure the growth of young rises, such as height, weight, and body temperature. Kemala Smart relies on an internet connection, so it requires a wifi modem to connect the device to the network. Kemala Smart is also equipped with an RFID-based identification system (Radio Frequency Identification) so users can easily store weighting data on the smart kemala website ( Some of the information on the user’s website includes biodata and monthly news progress data. A total of 165 todlers have been registered as Kemala Smart users. Each todler has an RFID identity as an identification mark to use Kemala. At the time of the todler weighing in Posyandu, todler parents can directly use kemala Smart and see the results of the weighting on the smart kemala website. Using Kemala Intelligent services can be more efficient because it does not require a manual recording and anticipates the existence of errors in the recording todler growing.

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