Fifty Physics Graduates Follow Graduation 118

Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ) hosts the 118th semester of the 2022/2023 academic year on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 at Sentul International Conference Center (SICC), Bogor, West Java. The graduation ceremony was officially opened by the Rector of UNJ Prof. Dr. Komarudin and was attended by the Chairman and Secretary of the UNJ Senate, the Heads of the Commission, the Deputy Rectors and Chairmen of the Institution, the Deans and Postgraduate Directors, and other invitations. At the graduation, UNJ graduated 3007 graduates from Diploma, Bachelor, Master to Doctoral programmes.

Fifty graduates of the FMIPA UNJ Physics Studies Program were present at the event. Of the fifty graduates, forty-four were Army 2019 students who graduated on time (8 semester). The average duration of the graduate study is 4.2 years. The Final Achievement Index (IPA) of the average graduate of the Physics Studies Program during this period is very high, which is 3.51. Seven graduates achieved more than 3.7. The best graduate from the Physical Studies program was obtained by Ratna Komala Dewi (NIM 1306619020) with the IPA 3.79.

Congratulations to the graduates. Keep learning, harnessing your own potential, rejoicing in the highest standards of charity and honesty, and dedicating yourself to the advancement of the nation and the country.

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