Family Gathering of the Physics Study Program Universitas Negeri Jakarta 2023

The family gathering of the Physics Study Program FMIPA Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ) is an event organized by the Physics study program at FMIPA UNJ aimed at fostering togetherness, enhancing interactions, and celebrating emotional bonds among the members of the entire Physics study program community at UNJ.

The gathering event, themed “Physics Family Forever,” took place at Puteri Gunung Hotel, Lembang from October 27th to October 29th, 2023. The event was attended by members of the Physics study program community at UNJ, including Lecturer, laboratory education practitioners (PLP), administrative staff of the Physics study program, and their families.

The event commenced with an opening speech by the Coordinator of the Master’s Program in Physics, Dr.rer.nat. Bambang Heru Iswanto, followed by various games and entertainments involving the Physics study program families. Additionally, there was a session of exercises led by Dr. Anggara Budi Susila. The entire series of activities was designed with the aim of fostering and strengthening the bonds within the Physics family, in line with the theme of the event.

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