Internship Socialization for the 2021 Student Cohort

On Tuesday, December 11th, 2023, the Physics Study Program conducted an online internship socialization event for the 2021 cohort of students via Zoom. The purpose of this event was to provide clear information, in-depth understanding, and optimal preparation for students before they embark on their internships. The entire sequence of activities aimed to assist students in selecting, undertaking, and successfully completing the internship program.

The event commenced at 3:00 PM until 5:00 PM WIB and was attended by the Head of the Physics Study Program, students from the 2021 cohort, and the socialization speakers, notably Dr. Widyaningrum Indrasari, M.Si. The event was inaugurated by the Head of the Physics Study Program, Dr. Umiatin, M.Si, who delivered a welcoming speech emphasizing the importance of preparation for the internship program.

Subsequently, the socialization session delved into the explanation of administrative procedures, requirements, and stages that students need to navigate while applying for, undergoing, and completing the internship program. This information encompassed the internship program’s timeline, necessary documentation, and the selection of internship venues based on partnerships established by the Physics Study Program.

Following this, a question and answer session allowed participants to directly inquire about issues they faced regarding the internship program. Most queries revolved around administrative requirements, application processes, and the selection of internship venues.

Overall, the Physics Study Program’s Internship Socialization event proceeded smoothly, providing students with a better understanding of the importance of preparing for the internship program.

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