Thursday Afternoon Seminar Series, Physics Department, Jakarta State University: Series 2 “Physics Informed Neural Network”

On Thursday, March 21, 2024, the Physics Program of Universitas Negeri Jakarta host their second seminar in their Thursday afternoon seminar series, themed “Physics Informed Neural Network.” The keynote speaker for this event is Haris Suhendar, M.Sc., who will share insights into the applications of neural networks informed by principles of physics in current research.

Physics Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) represent an advanced technique that merges the power of machine learning with physics principles to yield more accurate and efficient models. PINNs utilize neural network architectures to model complex phenomena while simultaneously ensuring that the obtained solutions conform to known physical laws. This renders PINNs extremely valuable tools in scientific simulation and engineering, where adherence to physics principles is paramount.

The seminar will be conducted online via the Zoom platform starting from 15:30 until its conclusion, facilitating access for students and faculty from various locations. Seminar participants will have the opportunity to interact directly with Haris Suhendar, M.Sc., inquiring about the technical details and practical applications of the discussed research, as well as engaging in discussions to deepen their understanding of the topic. The event aims to broaden the academic horizons of the participants and enhance collaboration among professionals in the field of physics. It presents a valuable opportunity for participants to enrich their knowledge and establish connections with colleagues in the same field. Universitas Negeri Jakarta is committed to continually organizing seminars and activities that support the advancement of physics knowledge and contribute to the academic community in Indonesia.

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