World Metrology Day Seminar 2024 at Universitas Negeri Jakarta

The Metrology Management Unit of the Province of DKI Jakarta, in collaboration with the Physics Department of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at Universitas Negeri Jakarta, organized a metrology seminar to commemorate World Metrology Day 2024. The seminar took place on May 14, 2024, at 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM WIB in the K.H. Hasjim Asj’arie Building, 6th Floor, FMIPA Universitas Negeri Jakarta.

The seminar’s theme was “The Role of Metrology for Sustainable Development,” presented by Teguh Triprajogo (Senior Metrology Expert) and moderated by Fadlan Miftahudin. In his presentation, Teguh emphasized that metrology accompanies our lives from birth to death, urging everyone to become more aware of its importance. He also highlighted the strategic role of metrology in sustainable development.

The event was attended by Dr. Esmar Budi, M.T., Vice Dean 1 for Academic Affairs, Nurhidayat, Head of the Metrology Management Unit, representing the Head of the Department of Cooperatives, Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (PPKUKM) of DKI Jakarta, and students from the Physics Department of UNJ.

It is hoped that future collaborations between the Physics Department of FMIPA UNJ and the Metrology Management Unit of DKI Jakarta will continue to flourish in all areas related to both metrology and academic affairs.

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