Seminar Nasional Fisika 2018 (National Physics Seminar)

Seminar Nasional Fisika 2018 (National Physics Seminar) Dr. Ahmad Ridwan, M.Sc. The Vice Chancellor for Cooperation (representing the Chancellor of Jakarta State University) gave a speech and opened the seminar. Ariadne L. Juwono, M.Eng, Ph.D. The Chairperson of the Indonesian Physics Association gave a speech and a seminar event. Keynote Speaker Dr. Osamu Hashimoto delivered […]

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New Edition of SPEKTRA: Volume 3 Issue 1 of 2018 Has Been Published

New Edition of SPEKTRA: Volume 3 Issue 1 of 2018 Has Been Published Monday, April 30, 2018, SPEKTRA Volume 3 Issue  1 has been published. Issue Number 1 each year is scheduled to be published at the end of April. After closing 2017 by publishing 218 pages, the SPEKTRA Journal is committed to continuing to […]

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Workshop Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)-2018

Workshop Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)-2018 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) is a tool that has many benefits for analyzing the morphology and composition of a material. SEM is widely used in physics, biology, chemistry, and materials. The general working principle of SEM is that the filament generates the electron beam, the electron beam is focused using […]

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SINTA-4 (S4) for SPEKTRA After waiting for five months, good news came from a Journal published by the Physics Study Program, SPEKTRA: Journal of Physics and Its Applications. Since January 21 2018 it has been successfully indexed by SINTA with a score of S4. This shows an increase in the score obtained by SPEKTRA from […]

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Registration for the 2018 Physics National Seminar (Seminar Nasional Fisika 2018)

Registration for the 2018 Physics National Seminar (Seminar Nasional Fisika 2018) Registration National Physics Seminar (Seminar Nasional Fisika) National Seminar on Physics 2018 Jakarta State University in collaboration with the Indonesian Physics Association (Himpunan Fisika Indonesia) Management of Jakarta and Banten. This year’s seminar raised the theme “Research Development on Physics and Implementation of Science, […]

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Olympism Camp 2017

Olympism Camp 2017 Physics and Physics Education Study Program Date : November 17 – November 19 2017 Place: Gunung Bunder, Bogor, Jawa Barat The rise of behavioral deviations that occur in the public arena, disorientation of life values, and disharmony at the level of community life have become a sight that we often encounter. The […]

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Olympism Camp 2017

Olympism Camp 2017 Datee : November 17 – November 19 2017 Place : Desa Gunung Bunder, Gunung Halimun, Bogor-Jawa Barat The rise of behavioral deviations that occur in the public arena, disorientation of life values, and disharmony at the level of community life have become a sight that we often encounter. The ethics of how […]

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Field Work Lecture 2017

Field Work Lecture 2017 Date: November 7 until November 8 2017 Place: Field Work Lecture is one of the activities of the Physics Study Program and Physics Education students to provide learning experiences to students in the field, such as in educational institutions and industry. KKL activities are also a process of learning and community […]

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Field Work Lecture 2017

Field Work Lecture 2017 Date: 7 November 2017 Place: Field Work Lecture is one of the activities of the Physics Study Program and Physics Education students to provide learning experiences to students in the field, such as in educational institutions and industry. KKL activities are also a process of learning and community service that is […]

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