Gambar terkaitRandi Bagus Priadi 168 cm / 50 kg Islam

Hasil gambar untuk simbol alamat rumahEbony 1 Sreet Blok C No. 343 Duren Jaya Housing, East Bekasi, West Java

Hasil gambar untuk e-mail

Glance of me

I am interested in analytical thinking and problem solving perspectives in working. Friendly, humble, objectives, easy to learn and have a good teamwork. Work hard and play hard holic. Have a good confidence and public speaking skill. Positive perspectives and professional.

Gambar terkait Last Formal Education

Chemistry Education from State University of Jakarta, Jul 2010 – Jul 2014

GPA 3.63

Hasil gambar untuk education symbol Non-formal Education

English Course (Intermediate Level) at IEC (Intensive English Course) 2008 to 2010

Hasil gambar untuk seminar symbolSeminar and Training Experiences

Seminar/ Training





Hutan Penyangga




Indonesian Republic Life

Environment Department / UNJ


FMEA (Failure Mode

Error Analysis)



Sentral Sistem / NGK Ceramics


SPC (Statistical Process




Premysis / NGK Ceramics


HPLC Basic Training



PT. Ditek Jaya


Hasil gambar untuk computer skill symbolComputer Skills

  1. Microsoft Office Program (Ms. Word, Ms. Excel, Ms. Power Point);
  2. MiniTab (2014 and 2016 version)

Gambar terkaitJob Experiences

Assistant Laborant at State University of Jakarta 2013 to 2014

  • Facilitate Chemistry Junior students to do analytical chemistry experiments.
  • Manage the rule of the experiments such as facilitated the students become independent to prepare the tools and material that would be used in experiments.
  • Review the students performance and activity in doing the experiments.
  • Responsible to support the lecturer to give judgement to the students.

Teacher/ Tutor at Primagama Learning Center 2013 to 2015

  • Teach Math for 6 grade of elementary school and 7 grade of junior high school
  • Teach Chemistry for 11 grade of senior high school (the material is quantum mechanic of atom, thermochemistry, reaction rate, equilibrium in chemistry, acid-base characteristic, buffer solution and salt hydrolysis and koloid system)

Assitant Engineer at Production Control NGK Ceramics Indonesia 2014 to 2018

  • Control the batch formula table which used to produced the honeycomb (product).
  • Manage the incoming material test to control the quality of material which will be used in production.
  • Control balance of material composition in order keep product to have three composition balance (Caoline, Alumina and Silica) to maintain physical and chemical characteristics of product keep in target.
  • Support my superior (engineer) to analyze and make problem solving then making the problem solving report of the matter like CAR (Corrective Action Report), PPAS (Problem Preventive Action Sheet) and PSS (Problem Solving Sheet).
  • Support to engineer in research and development of product (running for new part number) by serving data and analyze the historical experince in release new part number by making PCP (Process Change Proposal) or PIP (Process Improvement Proposal).
  • Responsible to make document in releasing/ solving if any problem such as IOM (Inter Office Memo), QIN (Quality Internal Notice) and ICP (Internal Concencus Proposal).
  • Cooperate with team to make QCC (Quality Control Circle) to implement improvement idea for product (physically) or improvement in production method.
  • Prepare regular report (weekly, monthly and semester) about product’s physical and chemical quality then report regularly.
  • Support to review system (procedure B-level) regarding process control based on ISO- TS 16949 guidelines.

Teacher/ Tutor at Primagama and Delta Wira Learning Center 2018 to 2019

  • Teach Mathand Science for 6 grade of elementary school
  • Teach Chemistry for 11 grade of senior high school (the material is quantum mechanic of atom, thermochemistry, reaction rate, equilibrium in chemistry, acid-base characteristic, buffer solution and salt hydrolysis and koloid system)

Staff Engineering at Project Engineering APM Automotive Indonesia 2019 to 2021

  • Responsible for conducting improvement process in order to ease production departement in production process
  • Responsible to conduct improvement meeting and making improvement report regularly (KAIZEN Report)
  • Cooperate with team to make QCC (Quality Control Circle) to implement improvement idea for product or improvement in production process and make the QCC Report.
  • Support Leader to making Purchase Request and manage tools which used for improvement projects.
  • Support Leader in fabrication for improvement projects (Welding and Surfacing machine).
  • Support to control document, especially for tooling and project documents such as incoming tooling list, tooling taking list, meeting minutes of improvement meeting.
  • Support to prepare and control documents (IATF 16949 and ISO 14001) in order to pass Audit, even internal or external as furthermore.

Chemistry Laboratory Staff at The State University of Jakarta Recently