Retirement Dr. Betty Zelda Siahaan, M.M.

Retirement Dr. Betty Zelda Siahaan, M.M. Sunday, October 22, 2017, at Cibubur, the Physics and Physics Education Study Program, FMIPA, Jakarta State University, released one of the senior lecturers who had retired, Dr. Betty Zelda Siahaan, M.M.

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Studium Generale 2017

Studium Generale 2017 Date: 28 September 2017 Place: Hasyim Asy’ari Building Floor 2, Campus A, Jakarta State University Purpose: To broaden scientific insights in the field of atmospheric science Theme: Satellite and Radar Applications for Understanding Atmospheric Science Public lectures (studium generale) are academic activities in short lectures by inviting experts as resource persons from external […]

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Studium Generale 2017

Studium Generale 2017 Date: 28 September 2017 Place: Hasyim Asy’ari Building Floor 2, Campus A, Jakarta State University Purpose: To broaden scientific insights in the field of atmospheric science Theme: Satellite and Radar Applications for Understanding Atmospheric Science Speaker :

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Studium Generale 2016

Studium Generale 2016 Implementation: 22 September 2016 Place: Gd Sergur 8th Floor Univeristas Negeri Jakarta Speaker:

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SPEKTRA Filing Sinta Indexation

SPEKTRA Filing Sinta Indexation Good news at the end of this month came from a journal published by the Physics Study Program, SPEKTRA: Journal of Physics and Its Applications. Since August 31, 2017, he has submitted a SINTA indexation with a self-evaluation score equivalent to S5. Furthermore, SPEKTRA will improve several aspects of self-evaluation with […]

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Community Service 2017

Community Service 2017 Day/Date: Friday, August 4, 2017 Time: 08.00 a.m until 04.30 p.m Place: SMA in Belitung Province, Bangka Belitung Community service for tertiary institutions is an obligation that is parallel to the dharma of education/teaching and the dharma of research. In other words, it is said to be the tri dharma of higher […]

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Community service 2017

Community service 2017 Place: SMA 1 Tanjung Pandan – Belitung Date: August 4 2017 Community service for tertiary institutions is an obligation parallel to the dharma of education/teaching and research (tri dharma of higher education). A good college must synchronize these three aspects. The rationale for this is based on the great desire that a […]

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SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) Training 2017

SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) Training 2017 Place: Building C Lab FMIPA Floor 2 Date: 6-7 April 2017 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) is used to observe the surface structure of the sample. The column consists of an electron gun, which generates a stream of electrons. The current passes through the holes and a system of electronic […]

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Google Scholar Indexed SPEKTRA

Google Scholar Indexed SPEKTRA SPEKTRA Good news from the Journal published by the Physics Study Program, SPEKTRA: Journal of Physics and Its Applications. Since its first publication, Google Scholar successfully indexed it in December 2016. The Journal, originally called Spektra: Journal of Science and Science Education, has since 2016 succeeded in publishing new numbers and […]

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Field Work Lecture 2016

Field Work Lecture 2016 Dates: November 15-16, 2016 Place: Field Work Lecture is one of the activities of the Physics Study Program and Physics Education students to provide learning experiences to students in the field, such as in educational institutions and industry. Field Work Lecture activities are also a process of learning and community service […]

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