Category: News

SNF (National Physics Seminar) 2022: “Innovations and Challenges in Physics for Stronger Recovery”

SNF (National Physics Seminar) 2022: “Innovations and Challenges in Physics for Stronger Recovery” Jakarta State University’s physics study and physics education program again held the 11th National Physics Seminar on June 25 2022 online using the Zoom application. This is because the spread of the Covid-19 virus is still ongoing in Jakarta and its surroundings. […]

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Socialization of Physics Study Program Interests in 2022

As a form of introduction to the field of research as a reference for the final project of physics study program students, especially the class of 2020, the physics study program held a series of activities to introduce leading research fields from all physics study program lecturers. The presentation schedule for each field of specialization […]

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List of Physics Cluster Lecturer Awards at the 2022 LPPM Award

As a form of appreciation from the Jakarta State University LPPM to outstanding lecturers at UNJ, on Wednesday 15 June 2022 a handover of awards was held to Jakarta State University lecturers who had been selected as outstanding lecturers for several categories. For the physics group itself, the following is a list of award-winning physics […]

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Gravitational Wave Open Data Workshop Gravitational Wave Open Science Center, Online course, 2022

Gravitational Wave Open Data Workshop Gravitational Wave Open Science Center, Online course, 2022 May 23-25. – The Gravitational Wave Open Science Center (GWOSC) is delighted to announce the highly anticipated “Gravitational Wave Open Data Workshop 2022,” an immersive online course designed to unlock the mysteries of gravitational waves and their profound implications for our understanding […]

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Socialization of Group Interests in Renewable Energy and Instrumentation Research

Socialization of Group Interests in Renewable Energy and Instrumentation Research Renewable Energy Research and Instrumentation Research Group is a study group that focuses on the development and application of renewable energy technology and instrumentation related to the energy sector. One of the activities carried out by this group is the dissemination of interest which aims […]

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Group photo of 116th Semester Physics Study Program graduates

Group photo of 116th Semester Physics Study Program graduates On Friday 1 April 2022 the physics study program held a group photo event with the graduating students of the physics study program, the link can be seen at 116/. This event was held as an expression of gratitude for the graduation of physics study […]

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116th Semester Physics Student Graduation

116th Semester Physics Student Graduation On Wednesday, 30 March 2022, Universitas Negeri Jakarta held a graduation ceremony for students in all faculties which included several study programs, both bachelor and master programs. Considering that the COVID-19 pandemic has subsided a bit, this graduation ceremony was held offline with strict health protocols. The event was officially […]

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