Author: physics

Spektra Publication: Journal of Physics and Applications August 2020 Edition Volume 5 Issue 2

Spektra Publication: Journal of Physics and Applications August 2020 Edition Volume 5 Issue 2 The 31 August 2020 edition of Spektra: Journal of Physics and its Applications, volume 5 issue 2, contains 8 scientific articles covering the topics of materials physics, instrumentation physics, and medical physics. The external contributors to this publication include Pancasila University, […]

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Judiciary of Physics Undergraduate Program Semester 112 Academic Year 2019/2020 August 2020

Judiciary of Physics Undergraduate Program Semester 112 Academic Year 2019/2020 August 2020 Feelings of joy, sadness, fear, and happiness may be experienced by graduates who have been approved as undergraduates within the FMIPA environment at Universitas Negeri Jakarta, especially for graduates in the physics study program. On Thursday 27 August 2020, a judiciary for undergraduate […]

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Online Physics Open House 2020

Online Physics Open House 2020 In connection with the campus introduction process for Universitas Negeri Jakarta students, the Universitas Negeri Jakarta physics study program held a 2020 UNJ Physics Open House event with the theme “Physics’ road to the future” which was held on Saturday, 15 August 2020. This event is an annual program that […]

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Online Tutorial: Training on Surface Morphology and Topography Techniques Using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)

Online Tutorial: Training on Surface Morphology and Topography Techniques Using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) To fill the ‘holiday’ period for the even semester 2019/2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Physics Study Program at Universitas Negeri Jakarta is holding an online tutorial entitled ‘Training on Surface Morphology and Topography Techniques Using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) […]

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Online Colloquium: Technical Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of X-Ray Diffraction Data

Online Colloquium: Technical Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of X-Ray Diffraction Data As a substitute for the general stadium which is usually held at the beginning of the semester due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Physics Study Program at Universitas Negeri Jakarta held an online colloquium entitled ‘Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis Techniques for X-Ray Diffraction Data’ […]

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Adventures in the Theoretical Sciences – [Initiative for Theoretical Sciences, The City University of New York, 4 June – 17 July, 2022

Adventures in the Theoretical Sciences – [Initiative for Theoretical Sciences, The City University of New York, 4 June – 17 July, 2022 The Initiative for Theoretical Sciences at The City University of New York (CUNY) is delighted to announce the successful conclusion of the transformative event, “Adventures in Theoretical Sciences.” This engaging and intellectually stimulating […]

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Congratulations on the Inauguration of Professor Dr. Mangasi Alion Marpaung, M.Si.

Congratulations on the Inauguration of Professor Dr. Mangasi Alion Marpaung, M.Si. Congratulations on the Inauguration of Professor Dr. Mangasi Alion Marpaung, M.Sc. The FMIPA UNJ Physics Study Program congratulates Prof. Dr. Mangasi Alion Marpaung, M.Sc. in laser physics and modern optics. Becoming a professor is not a final achievement, but a new beginning to provide […]

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National Physics Seminar 2020: Freedom to Learn during the Pandemic (Seminar Nasional Fisika 2020: Merdeka Belajar di Masa Pandemi)

National Physics Seminar 2020: Freedom to Learn during the Pandemic (Seminar Nasional Fisika 2020: Merdeka Belajar di Masa Pandemi) Physics study and Physics Education program for the first time held the 9th National Physics Seminar (Seminar Nasional Fisika) on 20 June 2020 online using the Zoom application. This is done considering that the spread of […]

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