SPEKTRA’s Scholar Profile Increased Sharply in 2018

SPEKTRA’s Scholar Profile Increased Sharply in 2018 SPEKTRA: The Journal of Physics and Its Applications , experienced a fairly good increase in citations in 2018. The following is SPEKTRA’s Google Scholar profile accessed in February 2019: The number of citations reached 65, h-index 4, and i10-index 2. This achievement was due to hard work and […]

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Physics Program Wins the Best Study Program Award in the Field of Scientific Publication in 2018

Physics Program Wins the Best Study Program Award in the Field of Scientific Publication in 2018 Thursday 7 February 2019, the Physics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Jakarta won the 2018 Best Study Program Award in the Field of Publications. This award was given by the LPPM (Institute for Research […]

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“MAG-POWDER” The Powder that Successfully Delivered a Patent at the Inauguration of the LPPM Business Incubator, Universitas Negeri Jakarta

“MAG-POWDER” The Powder that Successfully Delivered a Patent at the Inauguration of the LPPM Business Incubator, Universitas Negeri Jakarta The inauguration of the Jakarta State University Business Incubator on Thursday 7 February 2019 featured various research results from the Jakarta State University’s LPPM, including “MAG-POWDER.” This fine powder is one of Dr. Dr.’s research topics. […]

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Dr. Iwan Sugihartono, M.Si.- Physics Lecturer at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Jakarta State University who won the 2018 Best Lecturer Award in Scientific Publication

Dr. Iwan Sugihartono, M.Si.- Physics Lecturer at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Jakarta who won the 2018 Best Lecturer Award in Scientific Publication Thursday 7 February 2019, the Physics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Jakarta State University won two achievements at once: 1) as the Best Study Program […]

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Asia World Model United Nations II ” Be The Leader The World Needs”

Asia World Model United Nations II ” Be The Leader The World Needs” Bangkok, Thailand – [30 January – 2 February 2019] – Asia World Model United Nations II (AWMUN II) is set to take place in the vibrant city of Bangkok, Thailand, from January 30 to February 2, 2019. This prestigious event brings together […]

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Registration for the 2019 Physics National Seminar

Registration for the 2019 Physics National Seminar We are in the industrial era 4.0, marked by increasing connectivity, interaction, and boundaries between humans, machines, and other resources, which are increasingly convergent through information and communication technology, known as the phenomenon of disruptive innovation. This phenomenon has fundamentally changed the way of life, the way of […]

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New Edition of SPEKTRA: Volume 3 Issue 3 of 2018 Has Been Published

New Edition of SPEKTRA: Volume 3 Issue 3 of 2018 Has Been Published December 31, 2018, Spektra Volume 3 Number 3 has been published. Issue Number 3 each year is scheduled to be published at the end of December. After closing 2018 by publishing 180 pages, the SPEKTRA Journal is committed to continuing to publish […]

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Graduation Semester 108 of the 2017/2018 Academic Year

Graduation Semester 108 of the 2017/2018 Academic Year Happy graduation to students. Congratulations on the title of S.Si, which has been officially pinned behind the name. Your struggle has not ended here; continue with your steps because the steps you have taken will determine your path in life to achieve success in the future. Steady […]

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New Edition of SPEKTRA: Volume 3 Issue 2 of 2018 Has Been Published

New Edition of SPEKTRA: Volume 3 Issue 2 of 2018 Has Been Published Friday 31 August 2018, Spektra Volume 3 Number 2 has been published. Issue Number 2 each year is scheduled to be published at the end of August. After number 1 with 76 pages, the SPEKTRA Journal is committed to continuing to publish […]

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Reunion 2018

Reunion 2018 University of Jakarta Saturday, July 14th 2018 The Alumni Association is an alum organization that collects and distributes the aspirations of alums to provide a role in nation-building and upholding the alma mater. Considering the increasing number of alums and the magnitude of the challenges faced in the future, it is felt that […]

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