Olympism Camp

The Olympism Camp was attended by lecturers teaching the Olympism course, the head of Physics Study Program, lecturers, Physics Laboratory Practitioners, and first-semester Physics students. The event was led by Dr. Anggara Budi Susila and Dr. Hadi Nasbey. The first day commenced with setting up tents according to the number of student groups, totaling 12. […]

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The Research of Physics Program Lecturers in 2023

In carrying out one of the obligations of higher education’s three pillars, namely research activities, the Physics Program Lecturers of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ), conducted research in the year 2023. The guidelines outlined in the University of Jakarta’s Research Master Plan (RIP) served as the basis for […]

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Internship Socialization for the 2021 Student Cohort

On Tuesday, December 11th, 2023, the Physics Study Program conducted an online internship socialization event for the 2021 cohort of students via Zoom. The purpose of this event was to provide clear information, in-depth understanding, and optimal preparation for students before they embark on their internships. The entire sequence of activities aimed to assist students […]

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Kemala Smart: Digitalization and Improvement of the Quality of Health Services in Posyandu Kemala Bhayangkari-Ciracas

Commitment to the community services (PkM) is a routine activity that is carried out every year by the academic staff of Physics, Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ). This activity is a form of implementation of the Tri Dharma at the same time a real presence in empowerment of the community in the built territory. One of […]

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Inaugural Lecture of the Professor of Semiconductor Material PhysicsProf. Dr. Iwan Sugihartono, M.Sc.

On November 23, 2023, at the Latief Hendraningrat Hall, 2nd Floor of Dewi Sartika Building, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, the Inaugural Lecture of a Professor from the Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, specializing in Semiconductor Material Physics, was held. The honored professor is Prof. Dr. Iwan Sugihartono, M.Si. The […]

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Empowering Cadres in Yogurt Production for Stunting Prevention at Cempaka Integrated Health Post (Posyandu) in South Larangan, Tangerang by “Nimbang Balita” PKM – KKN Group

Based on the National Nutrition Survey (SSGI) data in 2022, the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia stands at 21.6%. This figure remains high, considering the target prevalence for stunting in 2024 is 14%, and the WHO standard is below 20%. Stunting is a chronic nutritional issue in toddlers that can lead to intelligence impairment, speech […]

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Internal Quality Audit of the Physics Study Program in 2023

To maintain and enhance the performance quality of each UPPS/program within the UNJ environment, the SPMI UNJ audit team concurrently held a performance evaluation week outlined in the Internal Quality Audit (IQA) from November 8th to 17th, 2023. The opening of the IQA activities within the FMIPA was conducted on November 14th, 2023. Subsequently, the […]

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Universitas Negeri Jakarta Holds Public Lecture with Distinguished Alumni of Physics Study Program

Jakarta, November 16, 2023 – The State Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ) organized a public lecture featuring prominent alumni from the Physics Study Program. Entitled “The Role of Physics Alumni in the Industrial World,” the event took place on Thursday, November 16, 2023, from 08:30 to 12:00 in the main lecture hall of the Faculty of […]

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International Accreditation Visitation of The Physics and Mathematics Study Program at FMIPA UNJ with ASIIN

On October 12-13, 2023, an International Accreditation Visitation was conducted by the Accreditation Agency for Degree Programs in Engineering, Informatics, the Natural Sciences, and Mathematics (ASIIN) for the Mathematics and Physics study programs at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ). This visitation was carried out both physically in the […]

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Appointment of Head of Physics Study Program

In connection with the end of the tenure of the Head of Study Programs for the period 2019 – 2023 at Universitas Negeri Jakarta, the appointment of Head of Study Programs for the period 2023 – 2027 was conducted on Monday, November 27, 2023. The inauguration of the new Head of Study Programs took place […]

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