
Become a study program that produces professional chemistry graduates who can compete at national and international levels, are responsive to the development of science and technology, have social and environmental sensitivity.


  1. Organizing professional education in chemistry based on morals and ethics to produce independent graduates, have chemistry expertise, and continue their education at a higher level.
  2. Carry out research that is useful for deepening and developing MIPA sciences, especially in chemistry (biosciences and materials chemistry).
  3. Carry out community service to develop sensitivity and social responsibility of all academics, based on the scientific field they are engaged in.
  4. Collaborating with various parties in developing institutions and human resources.

Program Education Objectives

The aim of the Chemistry Study Program is to produce graduates who become scientists, academics, industry experts, and entrepreneurs early in their careers. This program provides graduates with the opportunity to:

  1. Have substantial knowledge, skills and competencies for problem solving in chemistry to advance in diverse career paths or pursue an advanced degree in chemistry.
  2. Become a professional with appropriate soft skills and an excellent work ethic.
  3. Demonstrate a high level of professionalism, integrity and responsibility towards the global community and society.