1 | Rinda Mulmeyda | Chemistry | 2021 | Passed PKM funded 2023 | Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa | Ristekdikti | |
2 | Rinda Mulmeyda | Chemistry | 2021 | Winner of Silver Medal and Favorite Poster Presentation | Lomba Esai Tingkat Nasional (LETIN) | Universitas Triatma Mulya | |
3 | Amarisa Nur Afifah | Chemistry | 2022 | Winner of Silver Medal and Favorite Poster Presentation | Lomba Esai Tingkat Nasional (LETIN) | Universitas Triatma Mulya | |
4 | Bella Pricilya Nababan | Chemistry | 2022 | Winner of Silver Medal and Favorite Poster Presentation | Lomba Esai Tingkat Nasional (LETIN) | Universitas Triatma Mulya | |
5 | Nico Andreas | Chemistry | 2019 | Passed PKM funded 2023 | Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa | Ristekdikti | |
6 | Wildan Sahari | Chemistry | 2019 | Passed PKM funded 2023 | Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa | Ristekdikti | |
7 | Muhammad Rifky Chairin | Chemistry | 2019 | Passed PKM funded 2023 | Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa | Ristekdikti | |
8 | Muhammad Fadillah | Chemistry | 2020 | Passed PKM funded 2023 | Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa | Ristekdikti | |
9 | Ema Amalia | Chemistry | 2020 | Passed PKM funded 2023 | Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa | Ristekdikti | |
10 | Shabrina Ajeng Pitaloka | Chemistry | 2021 | Passed PKM funded 2023 | Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa | Ristekdikti | |
11 | Siva Bakti Amanda | Chemistry | 2022 | Juara 3 Lomba KTI | WPKM-KTI Temu Kimia XXVII UNJ | UNJ | |
12 | Nahdah Aulia Ningsih | Chemistry | 2022 | Juara 3 Lomba KTI | WPKM-KTI Temu Kimia XXVII UNJ | UNJ | |
13 | Lutfiyah Rahmawati | Chemistry | 2022 | Juara 3 Lomba KTI | WPKM-KTI Temu Kimia XXVII UNJ | UNJ | |
14 | Dyra Aulia Zhafirah | Chemistry | 2022 | Juara 3 Lomba KTI | WPKM-KTI Temu Kimia XXVII UNJ | UNJ | |
15 | Kinanti Istantia Chantika | Chemistry | 2021 | Juara 2 English Essay Competition | ISTALKS English Essay Competition 2023 | UNJ | |
16 | Devia Alventiana Sipayung | Chemistry | 2020 | Juara 3 PKM-RE 2023 | Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (PKM-RE) 2023 | MIPA LPTK AMLI 2023 | |
17 | Devia Alventiana Sipayung | Chemistry | 2020 | Juara Harapan 2 PKM-RE 2023 | Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (PKM-RE) 2023 | MIPA LPTK AMLI 2023 | |
18 | Bella Pricilya Nababan | Chemistry | 2022 | Juara 1 Lomba KTI | WPKM-KTI Temu Kimia XXVII UNJ | UNJ | |
19 | Bella Pricilya Nababan | Chemistry | 2022 | Favorit poster | Lomba Esai Tingkat Nasional (LETIN) 2023 | Universitas Triatma Mulya dan Nusantaramuda Bali | |
20 | Bella Pricilya Nababan | Chemistry | 2022 | Juara 2 Esai | Lomba Esai Tingkat Nasional (LETIN) 2023 | Universitas Triatma Mulya dan Nusantaramuda Bali | |
21 | Amarisa Nur Afifah | Chemistry | 2022 | 3rd place | MARS#10 MIPA Road to Scientific Paper Southeast Asiapaper Competition 2023 | UNY | |
22 | Amarisa Nur Afifah | Chemistry | 2022 | Favorit poster | Lomba Esai Tingkat Nasional (LETIN) 2023 | Universitas Triatma Mulya dan Nusantaramuda Bali | |
23 | Amarisa Nur Afifah | Chemistry | 2022 | Juara 2 Esai | Lomba Esai Tingkat Nasional (LETIN) 2023 | Universitas Triatma Mulya dan Nusantaramuda Bali | |
24 | Amarisa Nur Afifah | Chemistry | 2022 | 3rd place | Refinery Engineering Paper Competition 2023 (REACTION) | Politeknik Energi dan Mineral AKAMIGAS | |
25 | Rinda Mulmeyda | Chemistry | 2021 | Juara 2 Lomba PKM | WPKM-KTI Temu Kimia XXVII UNJ | UNJ | |
26 | Rinda Mulmeyda | Chemistry | 2021 | Juara 1 Lomba KTI | WPKM-KTI Temu Kimia XXVII UNJ | UNJ | |
27 | Rinda Mulmeyda | Chemistry | 2021 | 3rd place | MARS#10 MIPA Road to Scientific Paper Southeast Asiapaper Competition 2023 | UNY | |
28 | Rinda Mulmeyda | Chemistry | 2021 | Favorit Poster | Lomba Esai Tingkat Nasional (LETIN) 2023 | Universitas Triatma Mulya dan Nusantaramuda Bali | |
29 | Rinda Mulmeyda | Chemistry | 2021 | Juara 2 | Lomba Esai Tingkat Nasional (LETIN) 2023 | Universitas Triatma Mulya dan Nusantaramuda Bali | |
30 | Muhammad Adya Raihan | Chemistry | 2021 | Juara 2 Lomba Poster Digital Marketing | Chemistry Creation (CATION) 2023 | UNJ | |
31 | Valia Rahma | Chemistry | 2021 | Juara 1 Lomba Poster Digital Marketing | Chemistry Creation (CATION) 2023 | UNJ | |
32 | Alsifa Andita Putri | Chemistry | 2020 | 3rd place | MARS#10 MIPA Road to Scientific Paper Southeast Asiapaper Competition 2023 | UNY | |
33 | Muhammad Fadillah | Chemistry | 2020 | Mahasiswa berprestasi terbaik 2 | Mahasiswa beprestasi FMIPA 2023 | FMIPA UNJ | |
34 | Muhammad Fadillah | Chemistry | 2020 | Mahasiswa berprestasi terbaik 3 | Mahasiswa beprestasi UNJ2023 | UNJ | |
35 | Chika Shafa Maura | Chemistry | 2020 | 3rd place | Refinery Engineering Paper Competition 2023 (REACTION) | Politeknik Energi dan Mineral AKAMIGAS | |
36 | Chika Shafa Maura | Chemistry | 2020 | 3rd place | MARS#10 MIPA Road to Scientific Paper Southeast Asiapaper Competition 2023 | UNY | |
37 | Mokhamad Ali Rizqi Maulana | Chemistry | 2020 | 3rd place | MARS#10 MIPA Road to Scientific Paper Southeast Asiapaper Competition 2023 | UNY | |
38 | Nico Andreas | Chemistry | 2019 | Juara Harapan 2 PKM-RE | Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (PKM-RE) 2023 | MIPA LPTK AMLI 2023 | |
39 | Nico Andreas | Chemistry | 2019 | Juara 3 PKM-RE | Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (PKM-RE) 2023 | MIPA LPTK AMLI 2023 | |
40 | Aldi Dwi Febrianto | Chemistry | 2020 | Juara 2 ONMIPA dalam Bidang Kimia | MIPANTASTIC II USU 2023 | USU |
No | Full name | Study Program | Year of Class | Achievements Acquired | Name of activity | Event Organizer |
1 | Irvan Maulana | Chemistry | 2017 | Presenter | UTM IBD & UNJ One Day Workshop ‘Biohealth in Tropics: Herbal & Microbial Resources’ | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dan Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
2 | Maharanianska Azzahra | Chemistry | 2017 | Presenter | UTM IBD & UNJ One Day Workshop ‘Biohealth in Tropics: Herbal & Microbial Resources’ | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dan Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
3 | Jefferson Lynford Declan | Chemistry | 2018 | Presenter | UTM IBD & UNJ One Day Workshop ‘Biohealth in Tropics: Herbal & Microbial Resources’ | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dan Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
4 | Dandy Akbar Juliansyah A H | Chemistry | 2018 | Presenter | UTM IBD & UNJ One Day Workshop ‘Biohealth in Tropics: Herbal & Microbial Resources’ | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dan Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
5 | Ismaya Krisdawati | Chemistry | 2018 | Presenter | UTM IBD & UNJ One Day Workshop ‘Biohealth in Tropics: Herbal & Microbial Resources’ | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dan Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
6 | Gladys Indira P | Chemistry | 2018 | Presenter | UTM IBD & UNJ One Day Workshop ‘Biohealth in Tropics: Herbal & Microbial Resources’ | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dan Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
7 | Adinda Myra Amalia Putri | Chemistry | 2019 | Presenter | UTM IBD & UNJ One Day Workshop ‘Biohealth in Tropics: Herbal & Microbial Resources’ | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dan Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
8 | Ayu Berkahingrum | Chemistry | 2019 | Presenter | UTM IBD & UNJ One Day Workshop ‘Biohealth in Tropics: Herbal & Microbial Resources’ | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dan Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
9 | Ema Amalia | Chemistry | 2020 | Co-Author | Virtual Capstone Experience 4.0 | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia |
10 | Jefferson Lynford Declan | Chemistry | 2018 | Co-Author | The 3rd International Conference On Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Applications, Research, and Technology | MIPAnet, MDSM dan ICON SMART |
11 | Dandy Akbar Juliansyah A H | Chemistry | 2018 | Co-Author | The 3rd International Conference On Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Applications, Research, and Technology | MIPAnet, MDSM dan ICON SMART |
12 | Ismaya Krisdawati | Chemistry | 2018 | Co-Author | The 3rd International Conference On Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Applications, Research, and Technology | MIPAnet, MDSM dan ICON SMART |
13 | Gladys Indira P | Chemistry | 2018 | Co-Author | The 3rd International Conference On Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Applications, Research, and Technology | MIPAnet, MDSM dan ICON SMART |
14 | Jefferson Lynford Declan | Chemistry | 2018 | Studi independen | Virtual Summer School “Green Sustainable Chemistry for A Better Future” | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |
15 | Angelina Klaudia | Chemistry | 2018 | Studi independen | Virtual Summer School “Green Sustainable Chemistry for A Better Future” | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |
16 | Dandy Akbar Juliansyah A H | Chemistry | 2018 | Studi independen | Virtual Summer School “Green Sustainable Chemistry for A Better Future” | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |
17 | Gladys Indira P | Chemistry | 2018 | Studi independen | Virtual Summer School “Green Sustainable Chemistry for A Better Future” | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |
18 | Anis Sakinah | Chemistry | 2019 | Studi independen | Virtual Summer School “Green Sustainable Chemistry for A Better Future” | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |
19 | Ayu Berkahingrum | Chemistry | 2019 | Studi independen | Virtual Summer School “Green Sustainable Chemistry for A Better Future” | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |
20 | Rosita Gio A | Chemistry | 2019 | Studi independen | Virtual Summer School “Green Sustainable Chemistry for A Better Future” | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |
21 | Wafiq Nur Azizah | Chemistry | 2019 | Studi independen | Virtual Summer School “Green Sustainable Chemistry for A Better Future” | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |
22 | Irvan Maulana | Chemistry | 2017 | Presenter | SMIC 3rd Science and Mathematics International Conference 2022 “Emerging Post Pandemic Trends of Research and Education in Mathematics and Science” | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dan Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
23 | Maharanianska Azzahra | Chemistry | 2017 | Presenter | SMIC 3rd Science and Mathematics International Conference 2022 “Emerging Post Pandemic Trends of Research and Education in Mathematics and Science” | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dan Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
24 | Jefferson Lynford Declan | Chemistry | 2018 | Presenter | SMIC 3rd Science and Mathematics International Conference 2022 “Emerging Post Pandemic Trends of Research and Education in Mathematics and Science” | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dan Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
25 | Ismaya Krisdawati | Chemistry | 2018 | Presenter | SMIC 3rd Science and Mathematics International Conference 2022 “Emerging Post Pandemic Trends of Research and Education in Mathematics and Science” | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dan Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
26 | Dandy Akbar Juliansyah A H | Chemistry | 2018 | Presenter | SMIC 3rd Science and Mathematics International Conference 2022 “Emerging Post Pandemic Trends of Research and Education in Mathematics and Science” | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dan Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
27 | Gladys Indira P | Chemistry | 2018 | Presenter | SMIC 3rd Science and Mathematics International Conference 2022 “Emerging Post Pandemic Trends of Research and Education in Mathematics and Science” | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dan Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
28 | Nabila Seflini | Chemistry | 2018 | Presenter | SMIC 3rd Science and Mathematics International Conference 2022 “Emerging Post Pandemic Trends of Research and Education in Mathematics and Science” | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dan Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
29 | Ayu Berkahingrum | Chemistry | 2019 | Co-Author | SMIC 3rd Science and Mathematics International Conference 2022 “Emerging Post Pandemic Trends of Research and Education in Mathematics and Science” | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dan Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
30 | Tiara Fahriza | Chemistry | 2019 | Co-Author | SMIC 3rd Science and Mathematics International Conference 2022 “Emerging Post Pandemic Trends of Research and Education in Mathematics and Science” | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dan Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
31 | Rosita Gio A | Chemistry | 2019 | Co-Author | SMIC 3rd Science and Mathematics International Conference 2022 “Emerging Post Pandemic Trends of Research and Education in Mathematics and Science” | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dan Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
32 | Adinda Myra Amalia Putri | Chemistry | 2019 | Co-Author | SMIC 3rd Science and Mathematics International Conference 2022 “Emerging Post Pandemic Trends of Research and Education in Mathematics and Science” | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dan Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
33 | Atikah Nur Rahmawati | Chemistry | 2019 | Co-Author | SMIC 3rd Science and Mathematics International Conference 2022 “Emerging Post Pandemic Trends of Research and Education in Mathematics and Science” | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dan Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
34 | Irvan Maulana | Chemistry | 2017 | Presenter | ICOSMED “International Conference on Sciences, Mathematics, and Education 2022” | Universitas Negeri Gorontalo |
35 | Maharanianska Azzahra | Chemistry | 2017 | Presenter | ICOSMED “International Conference on Sciences, Mathematics, and Education 2022” | Universitas Negeri Gorontalo |
36 | Jefferson Lynford Declan | Chemistry | 2018 | Co-Author | ICOSMED “International Conference on Sciences, Mathematics, and Education 2022” | Universitas Negeri Gorontalo |
37 | Ismaya Krisdawati | Chemistry | 2018 | Co-Author | ICOSMED “International Conference on Sciences, Mathematics, and Education 2022” | Universitas Negeri Gorontalo |
38 | Dandy Akbar Juliansyah A H | Chemistry | 2018 | Presenter | ICOSMED “International Conference on Sciences, Mathematics, and Education 2022” | Universitas Negeri Gorontalo |
39 | Gladys Indira P | Chemistry | 2018 | Co-Author | ICOSMED “International Conference on Sciences, Mathematics, and Education 2022” | Universitas Negeri Gorontalo |
40 | Irvan Maulana | Chemistry | 2017 | Co-Author | 12th International Seminar of Indonesian Society for Microbiology (12th ISISM) in Conjunction with Joint Society of Biotechnology Japan Meeting with Indonesia, Philippine, and Thailand | Perhimpunan Mikrobiologi Indonesia |
41 | Maharanianska Azzahra | Chemistry | 2017 | Co-Author | 12th International Seminar of Indonesian Society for Microbiology (12th ISISM) in Conjunction with Joint Society of Biotechnology Japan Meeting with Indonesia, Philippine, and Thailand | Perhimpunan Mikrobiologi Indonesia |
42 | Jefferson Lynford Declan | Chemistry | 2018 | Co-Author | 12th International Seminar of Indonesian Society for Microbiology (12th ISISM) in Conjunction with Joint Society of Biotechnology Japan Meeting with Indonesia, Philippine, and Thailand | Perhimpunan Mikrobiologi Indonesia |
43 | Ismaya Krisdawati | Chemistry | 2018 | Presenter | 12th International Seminar of Indonesian Society for Microbiology (12th ISISM) in Conjunction with Joint Society of Biotechnology Japan Meeting with Indonesia, Philippine, and Thailand | Perhimpunan Mikrobiologi Indonesia |
44 | Dandy Akbar Juliansyah A H | Chemistry | 2018 | Co-Author | 12th International Seminar of Indonesian Society for Microbiology (12th ISISM) in Conjunction with Joint Society of Biotechnology Japan Meeting with Indonesia, Philippine, and Thailand | Perhimpunan Mikrobiologi Indonesia |
45 | Gladys Indira P | Chemistry | 2018 | Presenter | 12th International Seminar of Indonesian Society for Microbiology (12th ISISM) in Conjunction with Joint Society of Biotechnology Japan Meeting with Indonesia, Philippine, and Thailand | Perhimpunan Mikrobiologi Indonesia |
46 | Irvan Maulana | Chemistry | 2017 | Co-Author | 14th Asian Forensic Sciences Network Annual Meeting And Symposium | Asian Forensic Sciences Network, Indonesian National Police |
47 | Maharanianska Azzahra | Chemistry | 2017 | Co-Author | 14th Asian Forensic Sciences Network Annual Meeting And Symposium | Asian Forensic Sciences Network, Indonesian National Police |
48 | Jefferson Lynford Declan | Chemistry | 2018 | Co-Author | 14th Asian Forensic Sciences Network Annual Meeting And Symposium | Asian Forensic Sciences Network, Indonesian National Police |
49 | Ismaya Krisdawati | Chemistry | 2018 | Co-Author | 14th Asian Forensic Sciences Network Annual Meeting And Symposium | Asian Forensic Sciences Network, Indonesian National Police |
50 | Dandy Akbar Juliansyah A H | Chemistry | 2018 | Co-Author | 14th Asian Forensic Sciences Network Annual Meeting And Symposium | Asian Forensic Sciences Network, Indonesian National Police |
51 | Gladys Indira P | Chemistry | 2018 | Co-Author | 14th Asian Forensic Sciences Network Annual Meeting And Symposium | Asian Forensic Sciences Network, Indonesian National Police |
52 | Jefferson Lynford Declan | Chemistry | 2018 | Independent Study | Academic Writing Workshop for International Publication (Intermediate) | Indonesian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology |
53 | Ismaya Krisdawati | Chemistry | 2018 | Independent Study | Academic Writing Workshop for International Publication (Intermediate) | Indonesian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology |
54 | Dandy Akbar Juliansyah A H | Chemistry | 2018 | Independent Study | Academic Writing Workshop for International Publication (Intermediate) | Indonesian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology |
55 | Gladys Indira P | Chemistry | 2018 | Independent Study | Academic Writing Workshop for International Publication (Intermediate) | Indonesian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology |
56 | Nisrina Fitri Nur Syamsi | Chemistry | 2020 | Independent Study | Southeast Asian Mobility for 21st Century Skills 2022 (Malaysia) | Universitas Teknologi Malaysia |
57 | Ema Amalia | Chemistry | 2020 | Independent Study | Southeast Asian Mobility for 21st Century Skills 2022 (Malaysia) | Universitas Teknologi Malaysia |
58 | Rafina Naqiyya Qatrunnada | Chemistry | 2020 | Independent Study | Southeast Asian Mobility for 21st Century Skills 2022 (Malaysia) | Universitas Teknologi Malaysia |
59 | Gladys Indira P | Chemistry | 2018 | Independent Study | Training Awareness ISO 45001:2018 | PT IAPMO GROUP Indonesia via Online |
60 | Dandy Akbar Juliansyah A H | Chemistry | 2018 | Independent Study | Training Awareness ISO 45001:2018 | PT IAPMO GROUP Indonesia via Online |
61 | Ismaya Krisdawati | Chemistry | 2018 | Independent Study | Training Awareness ISO 45001:2018 | PT IAPMO GROUP Indonesia via Online |
62 | Jefferson Lynford Declan | Chemistry | 2018 | Independent Study | Training Awareness ISO 45001:2018 | PT IAPMO GROUP Indonesia via Online |
63 | Angelina Klaudia | Chemistry | 2018 | Independent Study | Training Awareness ISO 45001:2018 | PT IAPMO GROUP Indonesia via Online |
64 | Reyhan Syifa | Chemistry | 2018 | Independent Study | Training Awareness ISO 45001:2018 | PT IAPMO GROUP Indonesia via Online |
65 | Pandu Rizki Triananda | Chemistry | 2018 | Independent Study | Training Awareness ISO 45001:2018 | PT IAPMO GROUP Indonesia via Online |
66 | Ibrahim Dhuafa Fikri | Chemistry | 2018 | Independent Study | Training Awareness ISO 45001:2018 | PT IAPMO GROUP Indonesia via Online |
67 | Dwi Giwang Kurniawan | Chemistry | 2018 | Independent Study | Training Awareness ISO 45001:2018 | PT IAPMO GROUP Indonesia via Online |
68 | Syifa Aulia Mumpuni | Chemistry | 2018 | Independent Study | Training Awareness ISO 45001:2018 | PT IAPMO GROUP Indonesia via Online |
69 | Novi Yanti Arromah | Chemistry | 2018 | Independent Study | Training Awareness ISO 45001:2018 | PT IAPMO GROUP Indonesia via Online |
70 | Widha Rosa Kartika | Chemistry | 2018 | Independent Study | Training Awareness ISO 45001:2018 | PT IAPMO GROUP Indonesia via Online |
71 | Muhamad Zulfikar | Chemistry | 2018 | Independent Study | Training Awareness ISO 45001:2018 | PT IAPMO GROUP Indonesia via Online |
72 | Reny Juniar | Chemistry | 2018 | Independent Study | Training Awareness ISO 45001:2018 | PT IAPMO GROUP Indonesia via Online |
73 | Warda | Chemistry | 2018 | Independent Study | Training Awareness ISO 45001:2018 | PT IAPMO GROUP Indonesia via Online |
74 | Nabila Seflini | Chemistry | 2018 | Independent Study | Training Awareness ISO 45001:2018 | PT IAPMO GROUP Indonesia via Online |
75 | Maulidiya Fitriah | Chemistry | 2018 | Independent Study | Training Awareness ISO 45001:2018 | PT IAPMO GROUP Indonesia via Online |
76 | Eva Handayani | Chemistry | 2018 | Independent Study | Training Awareness ISO 45001:2018 | PT IAPMO GROUP Indonesia via Online |
77 | Tiara Fahriza | Chemistry | 2019 | Independent Study | Training Awareness ISO 45001:2018 | PT IAPMO GROUP Indonesia via Online |
78 | Nisrina Fitri Nur Syamsi | Chemistry | 2020 | Independent Study | Training Awareness ISO 45001:2018 | PT IAPMO GROUP Indonesia via Online |
79 | Nisrina Fitri Nur Syamsi | Chemistry | 2020 | Presenter | Global Online Collaborative Learning-Problem Based Learning 2.0 (2022) | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia |
80 | Ema Amalia | Chemistry | 2020 | Presenter | Global Online Collaborative Learning-Problem Based Learning 2.0 (2022) | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia |
81 | Rafina Naqiyya Qatrunnada | Chemistry | 2020 | Presenter | Global Online Collaborative Learning-Problem Based Learning 2.0 (2022) | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia |
82 | Nico Andreas | Chemistry | 2019 | Participant | PKM Kemdikbud | Kemdikbud |
83 | Ilham Maulana | Chemistry | 2019 | Finalis | Mahasiswa Berprestasi FMIPA | FMIPA UNJ |
84 | Chika shafa maura | Chemistry | 2020 | Finalis | Mahasiswa Berprestasi FMIPA | FMIPA UNJ |
85 | Muhammad Fadillah | Chemistry | 2020 | Finalis | Mahasiswa Berprestasi FMIPA | FMIPA UNJ |
86 | Ilham Maulana | Chemistry | 2019 | Finalis | Mahasiswa Berprestasi UNJ | Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
87 | Chika shafa maura | Chemistry | 2020 | Finalis | Mahasiswa Berprestasi UNJ | Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
88 | Muhammad Fadillah | Chemistry | 2020 | Bronze Medal | Youth International Science Fair | Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
No | Full name | Study Program | Year of Class | Achievements Acquired | Name of activity | Event Organizer |
1. | Aisyah Kistanti | Chemistry | 2019 | Independent Study | Summer Course IPB 2021: TIN 472 Sustainable Agroindustry in Rural Areas | Institut Pertanian Bogor |
2. | Karin Khairunnisa Gumilar | Chemistry | 2019 | Independent Study | Summer Course IPB 2021: TIN 472 Sustainable Agroindustry in Rural Areas | Institut Pertanian Bogor |
3. | Emily Priscillia | Chemistry | 2019 | Independent Study | Summer Course IPB 2021: TIN 472 Sustainable Agroindustry in Rural Areas | Institut Pertanian Bogor |
4. | Nico Andreas | Chemistry | 2019 | Independent Study | Summer Course IPB 2021: TIN 472 Sustainable Agroindustry in Rural Areas | Institut Pertanian Bogor |
5. | Ayu Berkahingrum | Chemistry | 2019 | Independent Study | Summer Course IPB 2021: TIN 472 Sustainable Agroindustry in Rural Areas | Institut Pertanian Bogor |
6. | Alifah Syahirah | Chemistry | 2019 | Independent Study | Summer Course IPB 2021: TIN 472 Sustainable Agroindustry in Rural Areas | Institut Pertanian Bogor |
7. | Wafiq Nur Azizah | Chemistry | 2019 | Independent Study | Summer Course IPB 2021: TIN 472 Sustainable Agroindustry in Rural Areas | Institut Pertanian Bogor |
8. | Tiara Fahriza | Chemistry | 2019 | Independent Study | Summer Course IPB 2021: TIN 472 Sustainable Agroindustry in Rural Areas | Institut Pertanian Bogor |
9. | Kendai Marcelli | Chemistry | 2019 | Independent Study | Summer Course IPB 2021: TIN 472 Sustainable Agroindustry in Rural Areas | Institut Pertanian Bogor |
10. | Aisyah Kistanti | Chemistry | 2019 | Independent Study | Kredensial Mikro Mahasiswa Indonesia (KMMI) | Universitas Indonesia |
11. | Emily Priscillia | Chemistry | 2019 | Independent Study | Kredensial Mikro Mahasiswa Indonesia (KMMI) | Universitas Indonesia |
12. | Talitha Sefriana | Chemistry | 2019 | Independent Study | Kredensial Mikro Mahasiswa Indonesia (KMMI) | Universitas Indonesia |
13. | Wildan Sahari | Chemistry | 2019 | Independent Study | Kredensial Mikro Mahasiswa Indonesia (KMMI) | Universitas Indonesia |
14. | Atikah Nur Rahmawati | Chemistry | 2019 | Independent Study | Kredensial Mikro Mahasiswa Indonesia (KMMI) | Universitas Indonesia |
15. | Chika Shafa Maura | Chemistry | 2020 | Bronze Medal | Olimpiade Sains Indonesia Bidang Kimia | Pusat Olimpiade Sains Indonesia (POSI) |
16. | Chika Shafa Maura | Chemistry | 2020 | Silver medal | Olimpiade Numerasi dan Literasi Indonesia | Pusat Olimpiade Sains Indonesia (POSI) |
17. | Chika Shafa Maura | Chemistry | 2020 | Indonesian Delegation | OISAA’s International Symposium 2021 | Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia (PPI) Dunia |
18. | Chika Shafa Maura | Chemistry | 2020 | Harapan 1 | Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Bidang GT/AI | Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
19. | Chika Shafa Maura | Chemistry | 2020 | Silver Medal in Applied Mathematics | Social and Language Competition | OASE Edukasi |
20. | Chika Shafa Maura | Chemistry | 2020 | Bronze Medal | Olimpiade Sains Indonesia Bidang Kimia | Pusat Olimpiade Sains Indonesia (POSI) |
21. | Yolanda Febrica Syafriani | Chemistry | 2020 | Silver medal | Bimage Competition Bidang Kimia | OASE Edukasi |
22. | Yolanda Febrica Syafriani | Chemistry | 2020 | Silver medal | Indonesia Olympiad of Science 2021 Bidang Kimia | Pusat Olimpiade Sains Indonesia (POSI) |
23. | Yolanda Febrica Syafriani | Chemistry | 2020 | Bronze Medal | Science Competition Bidang Kimia | Pusat Olimpiade Sains Indonesia (POSI) |
24. | Yolanda Febrica Syafriani | Chemistry | 2020 | Bronze Medal | Olimpiade Numerasi Nasional | Pusat Olimpiade Sains Indonesia (POSI) |
25. | Yolanda Febrica Syafriani | Chemistry | 2020 | Bronze Medal | Kompetisi HARDIKNAS 2021 | Pusat Olimpiade Sains Indonesia (POSI) |
26. | Alvida Nor Puspita | Chemistry | 2020 | Silver medal | Nusa Competition Online 2021 | OASE Edukasi |
27. | Alvida Nor Puspita | Chemistry | 2020 | Silver medal | Olimpiade Sains Nasional | Pusat Olimpiade Sains Indonesia (POSI) |
28. | Puan Aqila Azizah | Chemistry | 2020 | Bronze Medal | Olimpiade Sains Nasional | Pusat Olimpiade Sains Indonesia (POSI) |
29. | Sakinah Salsabilah | Chemistry | 2020 | Bronze Medal | Olimpiade Sains Nasional | Pusat Olimpiade Sains Indonesia (POSI) |
30. | Mokhamad Ali Rizki | Chemistry | 2020 | Bronze Medal | National Paper Competition Dies Natalis 23rd FTP UB | Universitas Brawijaya |
31. | Mokhamad Ali Rizki | Chemistry | 2020 | Bronze Medal | National Paper Competition for Dies Natalis 23rd FTP UB Kategori Poster | Universitas Brawijaya |
32. | Dwi Anjeli Prihatini | Chemistry | 2020 | Bronze Medal | National Paper Competition Dies Natalis 23rd FTP UB | Universitas Brawijaya |
33. | Dwi Anjeli Prihatini | Chemistry | 2020 | Bronze Medal | National Paper Competition Dies Natalis 23rd FTP UB Kategori Poster | Universitas Brawijaya |
34. | Anisa Fitriyanti | Chemistry | 2020 | Bronze Medal | Nusa Competition Online 2021 | OASE Edukasi |
35. | Hilman Syafei | Chemistry | 2019 | Participant | KN-MIPA PT Tingkat Wilayah/Provinsi | Pusat Prestasi Nasional |
36. | Yolanda Febrica Syafriani | Chemistry | 2020 | Participant | KN-MIPA PT Tingkat Wilayah/Provinsi | Pusat Prestasi Nasional |
37. | Fanny Kurnyawan | Chemistry | 2018 | Participant | KN-MIPA PT Tingkat Wilayah/Provinsi | Pusat Prestasi Nasional |
38. | Ilham Maulana | Chemistry | 2019 | 3rd place | Lomba Esai Nasional | Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
39. | Ilham Maulana | Chemistry | 2019 | 1st place | Esai Nasional Bioselom | Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
40. | Ilham Maulana | Chemistry | 2019 | 1st place | Esai Nasional Pelangi Matematika | Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
41. | Ilham Maulana | Chemistry | 2019 | Best of The Best Essay | Esai Nasional TEC PIF 2021 | Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
42. | Ilham Maulana | Chemistry | 2019 | 3rd place | Lomba Esai Nasional EHPA, Hari Anak Nasional | Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
43. | Muhammad Fadillah | Chemistry | 2020 | 1st place Eksakta | Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa | Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
44. | Muhammad Fadillah | Chemistry | 2020 | 2nd Place PKM GT/AI | Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa | Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
45. | Muhammad Fadillah | Chemistry | 2020 | 2nd Place PKM GT/AI | Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa | Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
46. | Muhammad Fadillah | Chemistry | 2020 | Silver medal | World Invention Competition and Exhibition | SEGi University Malaysia dan IYSA |
47. | Muhammad Fathar Aulia | Chemistry | 2020 | 1st runner-up PKM in the exact field | Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa | Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
48. | Amelia Sabella | Chemistry | 2018 | Macedonian Gold Medal and Special Award | World Invention and Innovation Award | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta |
49. | Muhammad Fadillah | Chemistry | 2020 | 1st Place Poster Competition | Pekan Ilmiah Fisika 19th UNJ | Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
50. | Muhammad Fadillah | Chemistry | 2020 | 1st Place Learning Media | Pekan Ilmiah Fisika 19th UNJ | Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
51. | Chika Shafa Maura | Chemistry | 2020 | Silver medal | Social and Language Competition Bidang Bahasa Indonesia | OASE Edukasi |
52. | Chika Shafa Maura | Chemistry | 2020 | Silver medal | Social and Language Competition Bidang Sejarah | OASE Edukasi |
53. | Muhammad Hardiansyah Komering | Chemistry | 2020 | Juara 2 Lomba Fotografi | SPARTAN (Sport Art and Nursing Competition) | Politeknik Kesehatan Negeri Jakarta |
54. | Nisrina Fitri Nur Syamsi | Chemistry | 2020 | The Best Innovation Group Award | Global Online Collaborative Learning-Problem Based Learning 2.0 | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia |
55. | Ema Amalia | Chemistry | 2020 | Participant | Global Online Collaborative Learning-Problem Based Learning 2.0 | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia |
56. | Rafina Naqiyya Qatrunnada | Chemistry | 2020 | The Best Design Thinking Implementation Group | Global Online Collaborative Learning-Problem Based Learning 2.0 | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia |
57. | Lita Amalia | Chemistry | 2017 | Participant | The 3rd International Conference on Science and Technology Applications | Universitas Negeri Medan |
58. | Lita Amalia | Chemistry | 2017 | Participant | Virtual Summer School “Indonesian Natural Product Chemistry” | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |
59. | Siti Rahmawati | Chemistry | 2017 | Participant | The 3rd International Conference on Science and Technology Applications | Universitas Negeri Medan |
60. | Siti Rahmawati | Chemistry | 2017 | Participant | Virtual Summer School “Indonesian Natural Product Chemistry” | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |
61. | Ratna Nur Kusumawati | Chemistry | 2017 | Participant | The 8th International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education | Universitas Negeri Semarang |
62. | Nabilla Alya Pramudiyasih | Chemistry | 2017 | Participant | The 8th International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education | Universitas Negeri Semarang |
63. | Maharanianska Azzahra | Chemistry | 2017 | Participant | The 8th International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education | Universitas Negeri Semarang |
64. | Irvan Maulana | Chemistry | 2017 | Participant | The 8th International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education | Universitas Negeri Semarang |
65. | Fany Kurnyawan | Chemistry | 2018 | Participant | Virtual Summer School “Indonesian Natural Product Chemistry” | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |
66. | Jefferson Lynford Declan | Chemistry | 2018 | Participant | Virtual Summer School “Indonesian Natural Product Chemistry” | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |
67. | Reyhan Syifa | Chemistry | 2018 | Participant | Virtual Summer School “Indonesian Natural Product Chemistry” | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |
68. | Aulia Natasya | Chemistry | 2018 | Participant | Virtual Summer School “Indonesian Natural Product Chemistry” | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |
69. | Natasya Sutedja | Chemistry | 2018 | Participant | Virtual Summer School “Indonesian Natural Product Chemistry” | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |
70. | Nabila Seflini | Chemistry | 2018 | Participant | Virtual Summer School “Indonesian Natural Product Chemistry” | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |
71. | Widha Rosa Kartika | Chemistry | 2018 | Participant | Virtual Summer School “Indonesian Natural Product Chemistry” | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |
72. | Maulidiya Fitriah | Chemistry | 2018 | Participant | Virtual Summer School “Indonesian Natural Product Chemistry” | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |
73. | Novi Yanti Arromah | Chemistry | 2018 | Participant | Virtual Summer School “Indonesian Natural Product Chemistry” | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |
74. | Eva Handayani | Chemistry | 2018 | Participant | Virtual Summer School “Indonesian Natural Product Chemistry” | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |
75. | Warda | Chemistry | 2018 | Participant | Virtual Summer School “Indonesian Natural Product Chemistry” | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |
76. | Ester Magdalena Sitompul | Chemistry | 2018 | Participant | Virtual Summer School “Indonesian Natural Product Chemistry” | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |
77. | Muhamad Zulfikar | Chemistry | 2018 | Participant | Virtual Summer School “Indonesian Natural Product Chemistry” | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |
78. | Syifa Aulia Mumpuni | Chemistry | 2018 | Participant | Virtual Summer School “Indonesian Natural Product Chemistry” | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |
79. | Dandy Akbar Juliansyah | Chemistry | 2018 | Participant | Virtual Summer School “Indonesian Natural Product Chemistry” | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |
80. | Tifania Putri Setyaningrum | Chemistry | 2017 | Participant | The 2nd Sriwijaya International Conference on Basic and Applied Sciences | Universitas Sriwijaya |
81. | Ester Magdalena Sitompul | Chemistry | 2017 | Participant | The 2nd Sriwijaya International Conference on Basic and Applied Sciences | Universitas Sriwijaya |
82. | Tifania Putri Setyaningrum | Chemistry | 2017 | Participant | Virtual Short Courses in Global Academic Program | UI-Hanyang and Chulalongkorn University |
83. | Ester Magdalena Sitompul | Chemistry | 2017 | Participant | Virtual Short Courses in Global Academic Program | UI-Hanyang and Chulalongkorn University |
84. | Hilman Syafei | Chemistry | 2019 | Juara II Lomba Esai | Pesona Kimia 2021 | Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
85. | Hilman Syafei | Chemistry | 2019 | Presenter | Seminar Nasional Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat | LPPM UNJ |
86. | Yolanda Febrica Syafriani | Chemistry | 2020 | Participant | KN MIPA LPTK 2021 | BEM FMIPA UNY |
87. | Chika Shafa Maura | Chemistry | 2020 | Silver medal | National Paper Competition for Dies Natalis 23rd FTP | Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya |
88. | Ilham Maulana | Chemistry | 2019 | Bronze Medal | National Paper Competition for Dies Natalis 23rd FTP (Sub Tema Health and Environment) | Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya |
89. | Ilham Maulana | Chemistry | 2019 | Medali Emas | National Paper Competition for Dies Natalis 23rd FTP (Kategori Poster) | Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya |
90. | Muhammad Fadillah | Chemistry | 2020 | Silver medal | National Paper Competition for Dies Natalis 23rd FTP | Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Malang |
91. | Muhammad Fadillah | Chemistry | 2020 | Silver medal | National Paper Competition for Dies Natalis 23rd FTP | Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya |
92. | Angelina Klaudia | Chemistry | 2018 | Participant | Visiting Lecturer on Separation Chemistry (KI301) | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |
93. | Jefferson Lynford Declan | Chemistry | 2018 | Participant | Visiting Lecturer on Separation Chemistry (KI301) | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |
No | Full name | Study Program | Year of Class | Achievements Acquired | Name of activity | Event Organizer |
1. | Oktavia Anggraini | Chemistry | 2018 | Independent Study | Summer Course IPB 2020: TIN 472 Sustainable Agroindustry in Rural Areas | Institut Pertanian Bogor |
2. | Amelia Sabella | Chemistry | 2018 | Independent Study | Summer Course IPB 2020: TIN 472 Sustainable Agroindustry in Rural Areas | Institut Pertanian Bogor |
3. | Endri Rianti | Chemistry | 2018 | Independent Study | Summer Course IPB 2020: TIN 472 Sustainable Agroindustry in Rural Areas | Institut Pertanian Bogor |
4. | Reny Juniar | Chemistry | 2018 | Independent Study | Summer Course IPB 2020: TIN 472 Sustainable Agroindustry in Rural Areas | Institut Pertanian Bogor |
5. | Eva Handayani | Chemistry | 2018 | Independent Study | Summer Course IPB 2020: TIN 472 Sustainable Agroindustry in Rural Areas | Institut Pertanian Bogor |
6. | Rayhan Syifa | Chemistry | 2018 | Independent Study | Summer Course IPB 2020: TIN 472 Sustainable Agroindustry in Rural Areas | Institut Pertanian Bogor |
7. | Jefferson Lynford Declan | Chemistry | 2018 | Independent Study | Summer Course IPB 2020: TIN 472 Sustainable Agroindustry in Rural Areas | Institut Pertanian Bogor |
8. | Odetta Levin | Chemistry | 2018 | Independent Study | Summer Course IPB 2020: TIN 472 Sustainable Agroindustry in Rural Areas | Institut Pertanian Bogor |
9. | Syifa Aulia Mumpuni | Chemistry | 2018 | Independent Study | Summer Course IPB 2020: TIN 472 Sustainable Agroindustry in Rural Areas | Institut Pertanian Bogor |
10. | Dewi Septianingtyas | Chemistry | 2016 | Independent Study | The 2nd science and mathematics international conference (SMIC 2020): Transforming Research and Education of Science and Mathematics in the Digital Age | Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
11. | Nahda Zafira | Chemistry | 2016 | Independent Study | The 2nd science and mathematics international conference (SMIC 2020): Transforming Research and Education of Science and Mathematics in the Digital Age | Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
12. | Aulia Natasya | Chemistry | 2018 | Independent Study | The 3rd Southeast Asian Mobility (SAM21) | Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
13. | Nabila Seflini | Chemistry | 2018 | Independent Study | The 3rd Southeast Asian Mobility (SAM21) | Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
14. | Shausan Fairuz Jinan | Chemistry | 2016 | Independent Study | The 5th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |
15. | Jefferson Lynford Declan | Chemistry | 2018 | Independent Study | Lecture Series on Materials | Universitas Gadjah Mada |
No | Full name | Study Program | Year of Class | Achievements Acquired | Name of activity | Event Organizer |
1 | Muhammad Ismail | Chemistry | 2015 | Passed PKM funded 2019 | Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa | Ristekdikti |
2 | Hafiza Muslimah | Chemistry | 2015 | Passed PKM funded 2019 | Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa | Ristekdikti |
3 | Devi Indrawati Syafei | Chemistry | 2016 | Runner Up Mahasiswa Berprestasi FMIPA | Pemilihan Mahasiswa berprestasi FMIPA | Fakultas MIPA, UNJ |
4 | Annisa Auliya | Chemistry | 2017 | 1st Place MHQ Competition | Gebyar Ramadhan Anak Teknik 1440 H | Forum Studi Islam Al-Biruni 2019 |
5 | Jihan Azizah | Chemistry | 2017 | 2nd Hope Winner of Saman | SANDCETION : SEASION 3 | Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta |
6 | Ellena Giofanny M | Chemistry | 2017 | 1st Hope Winner of Saman | Tari Ratoeh Jaroe | UHAMKA |
7 | Ellena Giofanny M | Chemistry | 2017 | 2nd Hope Winner of Saman | SANDCETION : SEASION 3 | Universitas Muhamadiyah Jakarta |
8 | Irvan Maulana | Chemistry | 2017 | Passed PMW Proposal Presentation Stage | Program Mahasiswa Wirausaha | Forum PMW Wakil Rektor 3 UNJ |
9 | Siti Nurhasanah | Chemistry | 2017 | Passed PMW Proposal Presentation Stage | Program Mahasiswa Wirausaha | Forum PMW Wakil Rektor 3 UNJ |
10 | Siti Nurhasanah | Chemistry | 2017 | 1st Hope Winner of Saman | Tari Ratoeh Jaroe | UHAMKA |
11 | Siti Nurhasanah | Chemistry | 2017 | 2nd Hope Winner of Saman | SANDCETION : SEASION 3 | Universitas Muhamadiyah Jakarta |
12 | Gladys Indira Putri Syahrir | Chemistry | 2018 | 1st Place of Traditional Competition and 2nd Place of Women's Volleyball Competition | Chemistry Cup 2019 | BEM Prodi Pendidikan Kimia |
13 | Muhamad Zulfikar | Chemistry | 2018 | 1st Place of Men's Volleyball and 1st Place of Futsal Competition | Chemistry Cup 2019 | BEM Prodi Pendidikan Kimia |
14 | Oktavia Anggraini | Chemistry | 2018 | 1st Place of Traditional Competition | Chemistry Cup 2019 | BEM Prodi Pendidikan Kimia |
15 | Endri Rianti | Chemistry | 2018 | 1st Place Traditional Games | Chemistry Cup 2019 | BEM Prodi Pendidikan Kimia |
16 | Shausan Fairuz Jinan | Chemistry | 2016 | Independent Study | 2nd International Postgraduate Symposium in Biotechnology | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia |
17 | Putri Annisa Nila Auni | Chemistry | 2016 | Independent Study | 2nd International Postgraduate Symposium in Biotechnology | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia |
18 | Hafizah Muslimah | Chemistry | 2016 | Independent Study | 2nd International Postgraduate Symposium in Biotechnology | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia |