Panitia Pengawas Pemilu (PANWASLU)

CHAPTER I, Article 1, paragraph (28)
Study Program PANWASLU is the PANWASLU at the Study Program level that oversees Executive Elections and Legislative Elections at the regional level (Prodi) at UNJ.
The UNJ PANWASLU has duties and obligations, including making the stages of implementing supervision, supervising all stages of the election throughout UNJ, following up on alleged election violations in accordance with the observations of the second part of the PO PILEKS article 36.
The UNJ PANWASLU has the authority to make regulations regarding the UNJ election monitoring mechanism, receive and follow up on reports of violations, provide recommendations and decisions related to election disputes in accordance with the mandate of the PO PILEKS article 37.
Panwaslu at the study program level begins at the beginning of the formation of the KPU committee at the 2021 chemical study program level until the end of the management of Panwaslu consisted of only one person, Nisrina Fitri Nur Syamsi from Kimia B 2020.
In realizing its duties and authorities, Panwaslu plans to make a work agenda:
- Discussion of Panwaslu regulations
The regulations that have been made by the University level Panwaslu are then discussed with the aim that the Study Program level Panwaslu is able to carry out their duties properly.
- Socialization of election violations to UNJ students
Based on the mandate of the PO and the Panwaslu regulations, the Panwaslu is obliged to socialize what participants and equipment should and should not do and those related to the election process.
- Intelligence and socialization to Panwaslu in FMIPA
Based on last year's experience, there is still a lack of knowledge in carrying out tasks. So the committee for the clump needs to be given direction.
- Supervision of the election process
In accordance with the mandate of the PO and Panwaslu regulations, we supervise the stages of the election according to the KPU timeline.
- Settlement of violations and disputes
In accordance with the mandate of the PO and Panwaslu regulations, we supervise the stages of the election according to the KPU timeline. timeline KPU.
- Preparation of Reports
As a form of final responsibility, a report on the accountability of the PANWASLU is made PANWASLU does not have a definite timeline in supervising or carrying out their duties. Because it is adjusted to the election process or timeline made by the KPU committee.
Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU)

General Election Commission for Chemistry Study Program (KPU for Chemistry Study Program) is an institution that organizes executive and legislative elections at the level of Chemistry Study Program, FMIPA UNJ, an institution that was born based on the PO General Election and AD/ART OPMAWA UNJ. The General Election Commission for Chemistry Study Program or the Chemical Study Program KPU plays a role in holding general elections by realizing the right to be elected and the right to vote for Chemistry Study Program students in accordance with the PO Election Chapter III article 3. The 2021 Chemistry Study Commission has high hopes for all Chemistry Education Study Program students to exercise their right to vote so that create an atmosphere of democratic elections, professionalism, and integrity.
Based on the decision of the 2021 Chemistry selection committee on November 26, 2021, it was mandated Galuh Ayudia Kostaman as the Chairperson of the 2020 Chemistry Study Program KPU. Then it was opened Open Recruitment on December 1-4, 2021. The KPU management will be formed on December 11, 2021 based on the BLMP Chemistry Decree and the Decree of the Chairperson of the Chemical Study Program KPU. With the following structure:
Head of KPU for Chemistry Study Program : Galuh Ayudia Kostaman (Chemistry A 2020)
Secretary : Yolanda Febrica Syafriani (Chemistry A 2020)
Finance : Suci Putriyaningsih (Chemistry A 2020)
Sie Events :
- Vanesha Rapshadita Sihotang (Chemistry B 2021)
- Aldi Dwi Febrianto (Chemistry A 2020)
- Aldi Dwi Febrianto (Chemistry A 2020)
- Aldi Dwi Febrianto (Chemistry A 2020)
- Fabian Glorious Kenaya (Chemistry A 2021)
- Nafisah Amalia (Chemistry B 2021)
- Nofiah Aliyah (Kimia B 2021)
- Sheila Nurul Fadillah Octaviany (Chemistry B 2021)
- Vinka Juniaty Lestari (Chemistry B 2021)
Sie Adhum :
- Muhammad Hardiansyah Komering (Chemistry A 2020)
- Dwi Anjeli Prihatini (Chemistry B 2020)
- Joselyne Brilian Rizqita (Chemistry B 2021)
- Mulia Rahmah (Chemistry B 2021)
- Sabrina Nawal Novel Brik Bajri (Chemistry B 2020)
- Sakinah Salsabilah (Chemistry B 2020)
- Syakira Maulida (Chemistry B 2021)
- Syalaisha Alya (Chemistry B 2021)
- Zhasha Fortuna (Chemistry B 2020)
Sie HPD :
- Muhammad Adya Raihan (Chemistry B 2021)
- Muhammad Fikri Ramadhan (Chemistry A 2020)
- Nurhalizah (Chemistry B 2021)
- Rafina Naqiyya Qatrunnada (Chemistry B 2020)
- Revita Nurul Rafah (Chemistry B 2021)
- Rheinheart Raharjanto (Chemistry B 2021)
- Logistik : Mahardhika Kurniaputra* (Kimia B 2021)
- Ananda Indah Putri Sihombing (Chemistry A 2020)
- Valia Rahma (Chemistry B 2021)
Sie Logistics :
- Mahardhika Kurniaputra (Chemistry B 2021)
- Ananda Indah Putri Sihombing (Chemistry A 2020)
- Valia Rahma (Chemistry B 2021)
Sidang Umum

Saturday, February 05, 2022 Chemistry Study Program Opmawa has held “Sidang Umum Opmawa 2021”. The ganeda is a session that is held at the end of every management period. The trial was held online to avoid crowds following the Rector's Decree. The trial was held for quite a long time because of the many series of events in the trial including the following:
- Opening
- Quran Recitation
- Singing Indonesia Raya
- Message from the Supervisor of Chemistry BEM/BLM
- Opening Session
- Reading and Ratification of the Draft Agenda
- Discussion and Ratification of the Draft Code of Conduct
- Reading and Ratification of the 2021 Chemical Election Implementation Report (KPU and Panwas)
- Reading and Ratification of the Chemical BEMP Accountability Report 2021/2022
- Overview of the Chemical BEMP Accountability Report for the 2021/2022 Period
- Overview of the Chemical BEMP Accountability Report for the 2021/2022 Period
- Reading and Ratification of the Chemical BLMP Work Report for the 2021/2022 Period
- Reading the Results of the Final Evaluation of OPMAWA KIMIA Performance 2021/2022
- Reading and Ratification of the Results of the Chemical BEMP Performance Assessment for the 2021/2022 Period
- Delegation of Chemical BEMP Members for the 2021/2022 Period
- Appointment and Ratification of the Chair of the Chemical BEMP for the 2021 period
- Handover of the Chair of the Chemical BEMP for the 2020/2021 Period to the Chair of the Chemical BEMP for the 2021/2022 period
- Reading and Ratification of BLMP Chemistry Members for the 2021/2022 Period
- Deliberation and Ratification of the Chairperson of the Chemical BLMP for the 2021/2022 Period
- Delegation of the Chair and Management of the Chemical BLMP for the 2020/2021 Period
- Discussion and Ratification of the Recommendations of the session
- Closing and Documentation
This “Sidang Umum” indicates that the management of OPMAWA for this year's period, both BEMP and chemical BLMP has been completed.