A. Department of Human Resources Development (PSDM)

1. Pengenalan Kehidupan Kampus Mahasiswa Baru (PKKMB)

Introduction to New Student Campus Life is an event to introduces new students of the chemistry study program to campus life to adapt easily.

2. Pelatihan Kepemimpinan Mahasiswa Prodi Kimia (PKMPB)

Chemistry Study Program Student Leadership Training is an event held to train soft leadership skills in students. This activity is in material and social activities adapted to the surrounding environment.

3. Chemistry Is Fun (CIF)

Chemistry is fun is an approach and familiarity between new students of the chemistry family so that there is a strong sense of brotherhood between chemistry and chemistry education.

4. Family Day (FAMDAY)

Famday is a place for gathering and having fun together to unwind while being a member of BEM, BLM, and during lectures.

5. PSDM Keliling Terus (PDKT)

PDKT is PDKT is a work program held to gather with each department of BEMP Chemistry in order to get to know the members of BEMP Chemistry more closely.

B. Department of Scientific and Academic Professional Development (P2KA)

1. News and Updates On Chemistry (Neutron)

A pamphlet or broadcast in the form of information about job vacancies or scholarships that are currently available.

2. Workshop Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa dan Karya Tulis Ilmiah (WPKM dan KTI)

This webinar is a forum for students' knowledge about PKM and KTI to have sufficient provisions when participating in competitions.

3. Startup in Chemistry (SINC)

SINC is an event held as a forum for knowledge about entrepreneurial activities related to the chemical field.

4. FOROOM (Focus Room)

FOROOM is an activity that becomes a forum for students of chemistry study programs to improve their understanding of lecture material by forming study groups.

C. Departemen Advokasi dan Kesejahteraan Mahasiswa (ADVOKESMA)

1. Uang Bersama (UBER)

UBER is a fundraiser at the end of each semester which will then be used to help students who are having problems paying UKT.

2. Buku Pedoman Advokasi (BPA)

BPA is a book or e-book which is a guide/direction in using SIAKAD and other basic lectures.

3. Chemistry Care (CHEMICARE)

CHEMICARE is an activity from the Advokesma Department which is held as a form of community service in the form of socialization activities for the manufacture and distribution of Hand sanitizer to the community.

4. Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE)

DARE is an activity of the Advokesma Department that is held as a form of education on the prevention of drug abuse.

D. Ministry of Communication and Information (KOMINFO)

1. Upgrading Media

Upgrading Media is an event held to introduce Chemistry BEMP and Chemistry BLMP staff to the basics of electronic media science using several applications to improve photo and video editing skills as a support for the needs of the work programs in Chemistry BEMP in the future.


2. Chemistry Creation (CATION)

Cation is an annual event held as a forum for understanding/training FMIPA UNJ students on understanding and making links. That is interesting and appropriate in the world of work and provides tips for conducting job interviews.

3. Kominfo Talk

Kominfo Talk is a competition festival related to communication and information, where the competition consists of poster, photography and podcast competitions.

4. Chemistry Festival (ChemFest)

ChemFest is information in the form of podcasts, videos and also live along with jarkoman about phenomena and interesting and informative tips and tricks found in everyday life and is addressed to the general public for an indefinite duration.

E. Department of Islamic Spirituality for Chemistry Students (ROSMIK)

1. Tausiah Mahasiswa Kimia (TAMIA)

TAMIA is innovation in the form of reminders, motivation, and providing learning about Islam to restore the spirit so that it is always on His way.

2. Rosmik Tour The Class (RTTC)

RTTC is the lectures in rotation by the presenters are carried out for each generation, and the peak will be carried out simultaneously with all ages.

3. Ayo Diskusi Islam (ADISI)

ADISI is an event work program in the form of Islamic activities, namely deepening about Islam, discussions with presenters & games.

4. Talkshow with Rosmik (TWITR)

TWITR is an event work program that discusses Islam with the talkshow method talkshow.

5. Sedekah Membantu Sesama (SMS)

SMS is a collection of alms which will later be allocated to help others (preferably chemistry students), either in the form of gifts, donations, or social activities.

F. Entrepreneur Bureau

1. ALKALI (Alat Kaca Kimia)

ALKALI is one of the work programs that focuses on glass tools' practical part. Therefore, ALKALI is here to facilitate students who accidentally break glass chemistry tools while doing practicum and research in the laboratory.

2. Perlengkapan Mahasiswa dan Umum (KALSIUM)

KALSIUM is a work program that focuses on personal protective equipment when working in the laboratory. In addition, KALSIUM provides various kinds of practicum equipment for students, especially new students.

3. Merchandise-nya Kimia Murni (MERKURI)

MERKURI is one of the work programs that provide various merchandise from the chemical study program. MERKURI will promote through social media such as Instagram and WhatsApp, then use e-commerce applications for transactions.

4.Podcast Entrepreneurship (PODPRENEUR)

PODPRENEUR is a work program that will provide education and also motivation or inspiration about the world of entrepreneurship. Through podcasts, information about entrepreneurship will be broadcast on the Spotify and Youtube BEMP Kimia UNJ platforms.

G. Sekertaris Bendahara

1.Pelatihan Administrasi (PELAD)

PELAD is an internal activity agenda of BEMP Kimia in the form of administrative training about the correspondence SOP, event proposals, accountability reports, etc. In PELAD, there is also training on making the budget-estimate plan.

2. Appreciation Day (A-Day)

A-Day is an internal activity of BEMP Chemistry which is intended as a means of appreciation for the activities of BEMP Kimia members in the form of certificates, pamphlets, and electronic money.