You are currently viewing PEMENANG KOMPETISI IDEA 2022


Assalamualaikum wr wb

BEMP Kimia UNJ congratulate to:

  1. Members of Team:
  • M. Rizky Wafyan (Chemistry Education 2019)
  • Syaif Alwan Sugiharto (Chemistry Education 2019)
  • Arini Izzataki Lathifah (Chemistry Education 2020)
    As the 1st Hope Champion of the 2022 IDEA Competition

2. Members of Team:

  • Brigita Olivia Gamellia (Chemistry Education 2019)
  • Verdy Virgautama (Biology 2019)
  • Rezti Wahyu Noviyanti (Chemistry Education 2019)
    As the 2nd Winner of IDEA 2022 Competition

3. Members of Team:

  • Dini Delfiana (Chemistry Education 2020)
  • Andre Ferdiawan (D3 Fashion 2019)
  • Muhammad Fadillah (Chemistry 2020)
    As the 1st Winner of IDEA 2022 Competition

“Best wishes to you as you progress from one stage of life to another. While it can be a tough time, the results you will achieve are worth all the hard work you will put in.” – Rajesh Mankar





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©️BEMP Kimia UNJ 2022

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