Chemistry Dialogue is a work program organized by the Student Executive Board for the Chemistry Study Program and the Student Executive Board for the Chemistry Education Study Program. This program presents resource persons, namely Dr. Fera Kurniadewi as Coordinator of the Chemistry Study Program and Prof. Yuli Rahmawati M.Sc Ph.D as coordinator of the chemistry education study program. This activity was also attended by chemistry lecturers, namely Dr. Hanhan Dianhar, M.Si., Dr. Yusmaniar, M.Si., Elma Suryani, S.Pd., M.Pd., and Dr. Irwanto, M.Pd. This work program is a work program that accommodates the aspirations of chemistry students.

The activity began with an opening followed by remarks from the chief executive of the Chemical Dialogue, Rijal Al Amin. After that, it continued with the delivery of the questionnaire which had been distributed previously to the students of the chemistry group as well as a discussion with the lecturers of the chemistry group. The activity of submitting the questionnaire was very active, students gave their aspirations and the lecturers provided responses. In this activity, direct discussions were also carried out between students and lecturers, so that there was two-way communication. This activity was closed by showing videos of aspirations from several chemistry students and ended with documentation