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Mahasiswa Kimia UNJ Berhasil Lolos dan Mendapatkan Pendanaan Proposal PKM dari Kemendikbudristek

Five Chemistry students from UNJ, who are part of a Student Creativity Program (PKM) group, have been declared successful and secured funding from the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek). The PKM group is led by Faadhilah Briptu Nurhalisza (Kimia 2022) dan beranggotakan Fadhila Nurrizqa (Kimia 2021), Arinda Putri Nurhaliza (Kimia 2022), Alysa Hestaviana (Kimia 2023) and Savira Rahma Dewi (Kimia 2023). Bidang PKM yang diikuti oleh kelompok PKM ini adalah bidang Riset Eksakta (PKM-RE) dengan judul “Sintesis Ramah Lingkungan Hibrid Kumarin-Calkon dengan Radiasi Gelombang Mikro sebagai Kandidat Antikanker Sel MCF-7” dengan dosen pembimbing Dr. Hanhan Dianhar, M. Si.

This announcement was made by the Director of Learning and Student Affairs of Kemendikbudristek on April 19, 2024. A total of 14 groups or proposals from Universitas Negeri Jakarta have been declared successful and received funding. The groups participating in this PKM have gone through a process that included selecting titles, drafting proposals, socializing PKM, proposal clinics, and uploading proposals on the Simbelmawa account.

Hopefully, the acceptance of PKM funding in 2024 will serve as a stepping stone toward creating positive change and developing innovative ideas and solutions for society, the environment, and the advancement of the nation. Congratulations on pursuing each agenda of this Student Creativity Program!

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