Congratulations to Rafina Naqiya Qotrunada (Kimia 2020) for winning the best prototype category and Ema Amalia (Kimia 2020) in the best team category at the Southeast Asia Mobility 21 event held at the University of Technology Malaysia (UTM).
The activity was initially conducted online from August 4 to 9, 2022. On that date participants were given problems and required to find solutions. Participant

Assalamualaikum wr wb. BEMP Kimia UNJ congratulate to: Members of Team: M. Rizky Wafyan (Chemistry Education 2019) Syaif Alwan Sugiharto (Chemistry Education 2019)

Outstanding Student with the Best Personality
We, the entire academic community of the Chemistry Study Program, FMIPA UNJ congratulate the achievements of Chika Shafa Maura, Chemistry 2020, as an Outstanding Student with the Best Personality.

Grand Final The Most Outstanding Student UNJ 2022
Let's support together Ilham Maulana from Chemistry 2019 and Chika Shafa Maura from Chemistry A 2020 representing the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences as students

Outstanding Student FMIPA UNJ 2022
Congratulations to all of FMIPA UNJ students who have been selected as Outstanding Students FMIPA UNJ 2022. We are all chemistry citizen congratulate Ilham Maulana
march, 2025
K.H Hasjim Asjarie Building 5th Floor, Jl. Rawamangun Muka 08/05 no.10 , Kel. Rawamangun, Kec. Pulo Gadung, East Jakarta.