Mahasiswa Kimia UNJ Berhasil Meraih Juara 2 Lomba Esai Bahasa Inggris Dalam Kegiatan ISTALKS 2023
Kinanti Istantia Cantika, mahasiswa kimia UNJ angkatan 2021 berhasil meraih juara 2 lomba esai Bahasa Inggris dalam kegiatan ISTALKS 2023. Kegiatan ini merupakan program kerja

UNJ Chemistry Students Successfully Achieve Silver Medals and Bronze Medals at National Level
UNJ Chemistry students succeeded in winning silver medals and bronze medals in the National Education Competition (NEC) organized by EduHub and the Indonesian Education University. this competition

Congratulations and Success to Prof. Yuli Rahmawati, Ph.D for winning the Lecturer Award as Academic Leader in the Field of Education
Congratulations and success to Prof. Yuli Rahmawati, Ph. D for achieving the Lecturer Award as Academic Leader in the Education Sector from the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and

Mahasiswa Kimia UNJ Meraih Juara lomba Bidang PKM dan KTI dalam Kegiatan WPKM-KTI
UNJ Chemistry students succeeded in winning the competition in the PKM and KTI fields in the 2023 WPKM-KTI activity organized by BEMP Chemistry UNJ. This activity is a program

Mahasiswa Kimia UNJ Meraih Juara pada Lomba Digital Poster Design dalam Kegiatan CATION 2023
UNJ Chemistry students succeeded in winning the Digital Poster Design competition in the CATION 2023 activity which was held on Saturday, 15 July 2023.

Student Internship Experience in the Chemistry Study Program at National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology (NKUST), Taiwan
Telah dilaksanakan kegiatan magang melalui Taiwan Experience Education Programs (TEEP) yang diadakan oleh Agro-Environment Testing and Inspection Center (AETIC) di National Kaohsiung University of Science
march, 2025
K.H Hasjim Asjarie Building 5th Floor, Jl. Rawamangun Muka 08/05 no.10 , Kel. Rawamangun, Kec. Pulo Gadung, East Jakarta.