Jakarta- On Wednesday 18 September 2019 the Study Generale & Sharing of PKL Students 2016 Chemistry Study Program was held by UNJ Chemistry Study Program in Maftuchah Hall, Dewi Sartika Building Lt. 2, Campus A UNJ in order to introduce the world of work in the field of chemistry as well as the introduction of a new specialization course, namely PKL taken by chemistry students from the 2016 batch for other students who will take this course in the next semester.
The PKL sharing begins with the opening and remarks from the Coordinator of the Chemistry Study Program and continues with a presentation or delivery of observations about the work systematics in a company, and its production process as well as sharing the experience of working in the industrial world for approximately one month of PKL. These street vendors are carried out in various well-known companies and research centers in various regions in Indonesia. Namely as follows:
- LAPAN Bandung
- PT Kujang Cikampek
- Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat (BALITRO)
- PT Connel Bersaudara Chemindo
- PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur
- Balai Besar Uji Karantina Pertanian (BBSKP)
- Badan Standarisasi Nasional (BSN)
- PT Pertamina Lubricant
- Puslabfor Kalimalang
The street vendors carried out in the company and the research center ran smoothly and successfully. It can be seen from the presentations delivered by students who carry out these street vendors, they can explain and convey their internship experiences in these places well and can explain the production process of the company or research center they live in.
Students who do street vendors will get mentors from each company or research center, so that students can do their job well, like other workers in the company or research center.
Furthermore, the sharing of street vendors became more interesting because there were two great presenters who gave tips and tricks as well as their knowledge in dealing with the world of work that we will soon be taking. The two presenters are Dr. Nurudin Budiman, M.Si as Regional Director of PT. Connel and Imron Sahali Achmad, S.Si as Corporate Environment PT. Solutions to Build Indonesia (Holcim).
Mr. Nurudin's message for students who will enter the world of work, including making the first CV like a thesis so that we will prepare as well as possible so that we can be accepted in a company that we want. And be honest with all the abilities we have. And he also said that the first screening when applying for a job is still the GPA value. So that we can prepare it all very carefully and well.
Furthermore, the message conveyed by Mr. Imron was, to prepare a CV as attractively as possible. Because companies that don't know or see us, can only understand a little about our abilities, strengths and weaknesses through the attached CV. And learn our strengths, believe that we can.
The general study and PKL sharing took place from 08.00 to 13.00 WIB. This event was attended by Chemistry students from the 2016-2019 class. And this event went smoothly and successfully, with many questions asked by the participants to the presenters. From this event, it is hoped that the 2016-2019 class students can be better prepared and have an idea of the world of work armed with the basic knowledge that students must have from the delivery of the two presenters and the sharing of street vendors by 2016 students.