You are currently viewing Selamat kepada Rafina Naqiya Qotrunada (Kimia 2020) telah memenangkan kategori best prototype dan Ema Amalia (Kimia 2020) kategori best team pada acara Southeast Asia Mobility 21 yang diselengarakan di Universitas Teknologi Malaysia (UTM).

Congratulations to Rafina Naqiya Qotrunada (Kimia 2020) for winning the best prototype category and Ema Amalia (Kimia 2020) in the best team category at the Southeast Asia Mobility 21 event held at the University of Technology Malaysia (UTM).

The initial activity was carried out online from August 4 to 9, 2022. On that date participants were given problems and required to find solutions. Participants conduct discussions and make design thinking to find solutions to these problems. On September 2 to 5, 2022 they met offline at UTM to realize the ideas that had been made and presented them in front of the panelists.

Rafina Naqiya's Team won best prototype category by bringing the idea of ​​integrating a robot cleaner with an automatic trash can that can be controlled with a smartphone. This idea is a perfect solution to overcome the problem of cafeteria cleanliness in the UTM environment.

Jakarta State University has sent 15 students from several study programs. The chemical study program representatives who attended the event were as follows:

  1. Ema Amalia (Kimia 2020)
  2. Nisrina Fitri Nursyamsi (Kimia 2020)
  3. Rafina Naqiya Qotrunada (Kimia 2020)

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