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Chemistry Laboratory Assistant Training 2022

Jakarta – In order to train basic skills in managing laboratory for all the chemistry students who will become assistants in 2022/2023 academic years, both of Chemistry Study Program and Chemistry Education Program make an agenda titled "2022 Chemistry Laboratory Assistant Training".

This training is held in total of 2 sets of activities. The first series of the events began with an Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) socialization held on Tuesday, September 13, 2022. The socialization was carried out online through the Zoom Meeting platform at 09.00 WB. In this socialization, students were given a general briefing on Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) by Mr.Fauzan Karim, S.K.M., M.K.K.K. as a Guest Lecturer. This socialization agenda is starting with the introduction of the Chemical Laboratory Organizational Structure by Dr. Yusmaniar, M.Si. as the Head of Chemical Research Laboratory and closed with the distribution of laboratory assistants and practicum schedules that will run in Semester 117. With this OSH training, it is hoped that chemistry students, especially those who will carry out their duties as laboratory assistants, are able to implement OSH goals, so that students can protect and ensure safety every worker and other people in the workplace and ensure that every source of production can be used safely and efficiently.

After that, the series continued with hands-on training at the Chemistry Laboratory, Hasyim Asy'ari Building, FMIPA UNJ on Thursday, September 15, 2022. The training started at 08.00 am with training materials on basic skills in using laboratory equipment by laboratory assistants from the Chemistry Departement, laboratory Chemistry at Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UNJ. This training was enthusiastically welcomed by laboratory assistant students who will soon carry out their duties. The 2022 Chemistry Laboratory Assistant Training was attended by many students consisting of students from the chemistry study program and chemistry education, as well as lecturers from both study programs. The training is expected to improve student's abilities in managing laboratories and using laboratory equipment while still applying the rules and work ethics in the laboratory.

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