Jakarta – Welcoming the next guest lecture series, the Chemistry Study Program successfully carried out its fourth event with the theme "Prospects of Material Research for Renewable Energy and the Environment" on Wednesday, October 12th, 2022. The Chemistry Study Program presented Dr. Rachmat Adhi Wibowo from the Austrian Institute of Technology as a resource person who has experience in the field of material chemistry. Material chemistry is one of the elective courses in the Chemistry Study Program State University of Jakarta curriculum, therefore this event is welcomed by lecturers and students. This Guest Lecture series selanjutnya, Program Studi Kimia secara sukses melaksanakan kegiatan keempat dengan tema “Prospek Riset Material untuk Energi Terbarukan dan Lingkungan” pada Rabu, 12 Oktober 2022. Program Studi Kimia menghadirkan Dr. Rachmat Adhi Wibowo dari Austrian Institute of Technology sebagai narasumber yang telah berpengalaman dalam bidang kimia material. Kimia material merupakan salah satu mata kuliah pilihan yang ada dalam kurikulum Program Studi Kimia UNJ, oleh karena itu berlangsungnya kegiatan ini disambut baik oleh para dosen dan mahasiswa/i.

The 4th Guest Lecture Series was opened by Mr. Setia Budi, M.Sc. as a moderator. The presentation by Dr. Rachmat Adhi Wibowo, as the resource person, about the development of non-fossil fuel research to encourage the future circular economy was informative. The development process of solar cells as a renewable energy source starts with the selection of materials researched by Dr. Rachmat Adhi Wibowo. One of them is called CZTS Technology. The session was continued with a question and answer between students and the resource person for 30 minutes before the event was finally closed. The closing of the activities was carried out by Dr. Fera Kurniadewi as the Coordinator of the Chemistry Study Program.

Students are expected to gain new insights about good research prospects, especially in the field of material chemistry, so that they can increase their sincerity in carrying out research.