Jakarta – This Guest Lecture series Series held by the Chemistry Study Program at The State University of Jakarta is still the most awaited program by chemistry students. This program presents resource persons who are experts in their fields so that students gain insight related to chemistry and its application. Similarly This Guest Lecture series episode 6 which was held on Monday, October 31, 2022 with the theme "Research in the Field of Chemistry and Nanomaterials and Their Commercialization Opportunities" which presented Prof. Dr. Nurul Taufiqu Rochman M.Eng from PT. NANOTECH INDONESIA GLOBAL Tbk. (NANO) and the National Research and Innovation Agency. This Guest Lecture series discussed nanomaterials and their resources in Indonesia as well as commercialization to advance nanotechnology

Although this event was carried out online through the Zoom Cloud Meetingthe enthusiasm of the participants was quite high so that many questions were asked by chemistry students. Through this activity, it is hoped that students can understand the application of nanotechnology technology so that a nanotechnology revolution is created that can have a social impact and add value to Indonesia's natural resources.