E-Balita Team: The 33rd PIMNAS 2020 PKMKC-1 Favorite Champion

E-Balita Team: The 33rd PIMNAS 2020 PKMKC-1 Favorite Champion We, the whole family of the UNJ physics study program, wish congratulations and success to the W-Balita team for their success in winning the favorite prize, PKM-Karsa Cipta (PKMKC-1) in the 2020 PIMNAS event. This team consisted of Mutiara Pratama, Revo Magfiranda, and M. Farhan Wildani. The […]

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Training and Socialization of Physics Student Creativity Program (Pelatihan dan Sosialisasi Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa Fisika) 2020

Training and Socialization of Physics Student Creativity Program (Pelatihan dan Sosialisasi Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa Fisika) 2020 One of the assessment parameters to improve the ranking of universities in Indonesia is the number of Student Creativity Programs (PKM) funded by DIKTI. Therefore, the Chancellor of Universitas Negeri Jakarta starting in 2020 appealed to all Universitas Negeri […]

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Universitas Negeri Jakarta Online Graduation November 2020

Universitas Negeri Jakarta Online Graduation November 2020 Graduated without graduation? Maybe it feels incomplete if a student has been declared graduated from college but does not attend the graduation ceremony. This is felt to be true by all students in Indonesia who graduated in 2020. This is because the Covid-19 pandemic has not yet subsided […]

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Webinar: Discussion on Curriculum Development for the Universitas Negeri Jakarta Physics Master’s Program

Webinar: Discussion on Curriculum Development for the Universitas Negeri Jakarta Physics Master’s Program Dengan akan dibukanya program magister fisika dalam bidang material science, prodi fisika Universitas Negeri Jakarta mengadakan kegiatan diskusi kurikulum untuk menyesuaikan kurikulum program magister dengan perkembangan penelitian dalam bidang material science. Kegiatan ini diadakan pada hari Senin 23 November 2020 melalui aplikasi […]

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Webinar: LabVIEW for Academic and Industrial Applications

Webinar: LabVIEW for Academic and Industrial Applications On Thursday 12 November 2020, the physics study program in collaboration with the Universitas Negeri Jakarta physics education study program held a webinar on the topic “LabVIEW for Academic and Industrial Applications” which was aimed at all physics and physics education students class of 2018. This webinar event […]

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Physics Study Program Public Lecture: Physics and Future Technology

Physics Study Program Public Lecture: Physics and Future Technology Regarding the coming industrial revolution 4.0, the Universitas Negeri Jakarta physics study program held a public lecture with the theme ‘Future Physics and Technology’. The main aim of this event is to provide motivation to students, especially new students, to answer the challenges of the industrial […]

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Curriculum Workshop: Implementation of the Independent Learning Campus Part Two

Curriculum Workshop: Implementation of the Independent Learning Campus Part Two As an effort to realize the implementation of the independent learning campus, the Universitas Negeri Jakarta physics and physics education study programs again held the second part of the independent learning campus curriculum workshop online on Monday 2 November 2020 via Zoom media guided by […]

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Curriculum Workshop: Implementation of the Independent Learning Campus

Curriculum Workshop: Implementation of the Independent Learning Campus In connection with the creation of the concept of an independent learning campus by the Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim, the physics and physics education study programs jointly held an independent learning campus curriculum workshop on Monday 26 October 2020 online via Zoom media guided […]

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Inaugural Lecture on Olympism 2020: Philosophy and Applications in Real Life

Inaugural Lecture on Olympism 2020: Philosophy and Applications in Real Life Olympiads is one of the compulsory courses in the physics and physics education study program which contains non-physics material, but contains material about instilling character from the values contained in the Olympiads in students. This course indirectly teaches students the values of a spirit […]

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